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The HOPEMOUNT was built in 1904 by Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson Ltd at Newcastle and owned by the Hopemount Shipping Co Ltd (Stamp Man & Co), It was carrying a cargo of Welsh coal from Barry to Alexandria when it was captured.

A report printed in the Abergavenny Chronicle on 18 June, included the testimony of the Captain Robert Gibson, who was interviewed at Barry Hospital. He stated that the HOPEMOUNT's crew had 'sighted the submarine about 6 o'clock on Sunday morning when about seventy miles west of Lundy Island. The submarine commenced to fire shells, several of which struck the ship, and fragments hit him (the captain) on the arms and neck. He and the crew took to the boat which had been flung out in readiness, and when they last saw the HOPEMOUNT she was settling down rapidly. After being in the boat about twelve hours they were picked up by a Greek steamer. The HOPEMOUNT's men while in the boat saw the submarine attack and sink an unknown schooner. What became of the crew of the schooner they do not know. The submarine then returned and again shelled the HOPEMOUNT, apparently because it was not sinking quickly enough'.

The u-boat responsible was U-35 under the command of Waldemar Kophamel. The submarine would go on to be the most successful German u-boat of the Great War, sinking 226 ships and damaging 9 others.

Follow this link to read more of the HOPEMOUNT's story:

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