Felix Aubel
The topics in this interview are the Miners' Strike, Devolution, Rugby and S4C. The violence seen on television during ther Miners' Strike is discussed which was the event which turned a high percentage in society against the miners. He also discusses the contributions of Thatcher, McGregor and Scargill in this context, and their portrayal on Spitting Image. As he discusses Devolution 79 he refers to the split within the Labour party and talks of Devolution 97 and his part in the campaign. The effect of the death of Princess Diana on the vote and the night the results were broadcast is also discussed. He speaks about Rugby and Bill McLaren's contribution to broadcasting, the effect of losing a game on society, and the effect of broadcasting rugby on the community and on nationhood. Considering S4C he speaks of the worry at the beginning that the channel would be too academic but by now he admits that his personal life, at times, is arranged around the programmes. He talks of how television affects uniformity of language and the feeling of being a nation.