'A country lane' Brampton Brian
The cottage Bucknell
' Cottages' Brampton Brian
"The Plough" Leintwardine
Buckton Rd., Brampton Brian
Mill St. Aston-on-Clun
A bit of Clun as in the "good old days"
Bucknell post office
Weir cottage Bucknell
Moorhouse, Twitchen
The " improved" causeway Bucknell
Clunbury old post office
"The Cottage" Bucknell
Bucknell bridge
Church Rd. Bucknell
The river Bucknell
Leintwardine "ancient and modern"
Thatched cottage, Bucknell
Cottage near Monmouth, South Wales
Llangolle i.e. Llangollen Vale
A View of a Cottage at New Were on the River...
Near Valle Crucis Abbey, Denbighshire May 1 1815
Part of the Palace from the north east Jany...
Checkers Inn, Newtown, c. 1903
Sergeants' Row, Welshpool
Montgomery canal, Welshpool, c. 1902
Checkers Inn, Newtown, 1880s
Bryn-gwyn old meeting house, Abergele, 1897