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Date: 8 March 1919


Coming to Swansea to be Broken Up.

At least a dozen German submarines are coming to Swansea shortly to be broken up. Messrs. G. Cohen, Sons, and Co., who control the Shipbreaking Company, King's Dock, of which Mr. G. H. Harrison is the manager, have purchased 25 this week, and we are informed that about a dozen will be brought to Swansea.

The breaking up value of the vessels worked out at the auction at £2,500 each which means £30,000 for the dozen expected. A submarine will take about ten weeks in breakiag-up, so the labour employed will be considerable, while the material will be of the greatest utility in the various steel and tinplate works where scrap is, just now, I none too plentiful.

Swansea is the headquarters of two big ship-breaking concerns, and the industry is a very important one not only to the port and as a means of employment, but because it is able to provide great quantities of high class material for use in the works in the district. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to the industrial and manufacturing interests that the development of the industry shall be maintained in every possible way.

Development of the Industry.

It is understood that there are one or two sites which can be adapted for the purpose; consequently the Harbour Trustees may be relied on to do everything possible to meet the requirements.

It is stated that the shipbreaking sites at Swansea have been let, but enquiries at the Harbour Trust offices show that this is premature to say the least, and that so far the sites upon which the shipbreaking yards are, have not been let.

It is the Trustees' aim and intention to attract as many industries to the port as possible.

'Dozen "U" Boats.' South Wales Weekly Post. 8 Mar. 1919. 1.

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