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Mr Morris was born in Drainllwydion in 1925 before moving to Pen Piner (now derelict and surrounded by forestry) at an early age. Although the family later moved to Gelligen Fach, they continued to farm the land at Pen Piner. In the early 1950s the farms were sold to the Forestry Commission and the land was planted except from some 40 acres which became the farmland belonging to Gelligen Fach smallholding. The family continued to farm the land as Forestry Commission tenants as well as working in the forest as part of the tenancy agreement.
Mr Morris provides a very vivid picture of how the farm and its house, buildings, well, duck-pond etc. once were. He describes everyday life on the farm and in the surrounding area from his memories as a boy during the depression in the thirties right up to when the Forestry Commission took over the freehold. [Welsh]

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