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Notes on BUTTERHILL, St Ishmael's, Pembrokeshire 2005

Built and accommodated by the Roche family from 1607 – 1906, it has been continually enlarged throughout its life. It has three storey’s at the front and a massive, imposing extra storey at the rear.

A short walk from the lodge west of the house opens out to Butterhill and its substantial outbuildings. All seemed too ruinous for restoration but in late May 2005 it appeared a new roof had been laid and new draining placed and once again the house has begun a new chapter in its life.

Unbeknown to me at the time of my visit there is also a fine and small Shell Grotto in the grounds with a small dome roof. It is said to be in a perilous state. I was also told and/or read somewhere that there was a dolls house based on Butterhill. Does this still remain?

Butterhill 2005

Butterhill 2005

Butterhill 2005

BUTTERHILL St Ishmael’s. Sir Benfro 2005
Adeiladwyd gan deulu Roche a buont yn byw yno rhwng 1607 - 1906, a chafodd ei ehangu yn gyson drwy gydol ei oes. Mae ganddo dri llawr ar y blaen, a llawr ychwanegol sylweddol yn y cefn.
Ychydig o’r lodj i’r gorllewin o’rty gwelir Butterhill a’i dai allan sylweddol. Ymddangosai’r cyfan yn rhy wael i’w hadfer ond ar ddiwedd Mai 2005 gwelwyd to newydd yn cael ei osod a draeniau newydd ac unwaith yn rhagor mae’r ty yn dechrau cyfnod newydd yn ei fywyd. Mae yna hefyd arfdy a thy gwenyn ar y tir.

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