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Notes on TAN-Y-FOEL, Ram, Nr Cwmann, Carmarthenshire 2011

An interesting site, Tan-y-Foel is in a poor state with it's roof all but fallen. I sought an interior image but little remained inside other than some very damp beams and other indistinguishable debris so decided against crawling through rotten windows onto rotten floorboards.

I had cycled from Tregaron to visit Tan-y-Foel. There had been a frost. I was out of breath and hot when I reached the footpath that leads up to the house. It was 11:30am. The house sits besides a disused quarry and a small wooded area. This sheltered the house from the rising sun. The light in this small alcove of farm and farm buildings was cool and soft. I often prefer to photograph a building on a cloudy, overcast day. However, this, it has to be said, is my preferred condition with the subject sheltered from the bright sun light.

I made a number of exposures. I was limited to only 8 sheets of film, of which I used only 7. The images here are somewhat similar and show the property taken at the number of angles that were possible. For me they all work. There was little room around the rear garden due to the overgrowth of brambles.

The collection of stone barns, corrugated barns were chockablock with used and disused farm machinery; bags upon bags of farming litter and rubbish. All very interesting but also disturbing seeing such a mess; sitting before a ruined house, in a prime location just a few miles out of the university town of Lampeter.

Surely a use could have been found for this property?

A far greater and comprehensive view of this farmhouse and it's barns can be seen at by clciking on the link below:

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