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Notes on LLEWENI STABLES & COACH HOUSE, Henllan, Denbighshire 2005 (mansion long demolished)

A huge red brick Georgian stable block in decay, the original Lleweni house was built in 16th century and was demolished 1816-18. The re-built Lleweni survives.

According to Thomas Lloyd in his book The Lost Houses of Wales, it was demolished by Colonel William Hughes for no better reason than that his wife thought it would be bad for her health and his mother thought the rooms were too big! Demolition he later regretted: it is said that afterwards, when all was done, he sat down in the ruins and cried.

Lleweni’s sheer size was stunning, an L shape (with further extensions to form a T), the two arms of the thirteen bays are each sectioned with gothic towers and turrets and built around a massive medieval hall.

In 1997, the stables and coach house were derelict and wet. It was mid-summer and the bracken and brambles neck high. One could barely get close to its walls. Once inside, masonry littered the ground and beams balanced precariously from floors above. Bird nests lay empty in high alcoves and cobwebs hung damp from doorways and corners. The roof had various holes and after an unexpected visit in 2005, with a protective fence around its circumference, the holes in the roof had enlarged thus threatening potential collapse. It was, again, on the market but thus far remains unsold.

These barns have now been restored as housing. Please click on the link below to see a photograph:

Lleweni Coach House 1997

Lleweni Coach House 1997

Lleweni Coach House 1997

Lleweni Coach House 1997

Lleweni Stables 2005

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