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Date: 25 February 1915


By W. McMann.


I put my morning paper down,
And laughed. "Upon, my word,"
I says, "these Germ-hune take the cake
But this is too absurd!
Blockade Great Britain, bless yer heart,
With submarines! What rot!
Especially when we know that less
Than thirty's all they've got!

"Why don't they use their Navy to
Establish the blockade?"
The reason's patent. It's because
The Germ-buns are afraid.
With all their blustering talk about
Their "High Sea Fleet," they feel
That the British Navy's dang'rous, and
It's safer up in Kiel!

[cartoon of a laughing British sailor]
What can she do!

That day I kept a sharp look-out,
But never saw a sign—
Altho' I went out in my Scout—
Of submarine or mine.
Next day and next the same; their great
Blockading was all stuff.
'Twas Germany all over; it
Was one colossal bluff!

Now it so happened that I had
A little job on hand
Out at the harbour entrance, and
This afternoon I'd planned
To do it; 'twas a diving job,
To clear some wreck away.
The sea was calm, that's why I thought
I'd do the job that day.

[cartoon of a diver and a U-boat]
A German submarine.

So off I to the harbour goes.
(The diving suit I wear
Has got a fixture on it which
Supplies me with fresh air.)
I puts it on, and down I goes,
The explosives in my hand.
Great Scot! Look! What is that I see
A-lying on the sand?

I stood a moment fair amazed,
And then I nearer drew
To get a better look at it,
To get a clearer view.
Great Scot! A German submarine
Right in the fairway lay,
Like some vile monster of the deep
A-waiting for its prey.

[cartoon of the diver with explosives]
I fixed the explosives.

"And so you've come," I mutters. "Well,
Your boasted 'frightfulness,'
I'm very much afraid, has got
You in a pretty mess.
You hold the view that everything
In this 'ere war is fair."
I reached their twin propellers, and
Fixed my explosives there!

Fixed on the wires all right, and soon
Was on the pier once more,
Then pressed the button; instantly
I hears a muffled roar.
Off with my diver's suit, and soon
Was in my motor-boat.
Then out I went to wait until
The submarine would float.

[cartoon of the British sailor pointing a gun at the German submariner]
The German collapsed!

With both propellers gone I knew
She couldn't get away.
"Ye came with your own will," I says
"With mine you've got to stay.
Ye may as well come up, for you
Are wholly in my power."
I hadn't finished speaking when
I sees her conning tower!

Then through the hatch a heed appears
"Hands up!" I cries. "You're done."
The German officer collapsed
Soon as he saw my gun!
It was the mightiest surprise
I think he'd ever got.
Blockade Great Britain! as I've said.
The thing is Tommy rot!

McMann, W. 'Jack's Yarns: "The German Submarine".' The Brecon County Times. 25 Feb. 1915. 2.

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