
These photographs show an extension at the back of the synagogue on Cathedral Road. Some of them show the room dressed for the harvest festival of Sukkot, for which the roof could be opened to be open to the stars.

Philip Kaye: "Behind the main synagogue was a smaller area called the Beth Hamedrish, and that is where the daily services were held. That was built a little bit later on, and the sukkot was there as well the sliding roof, and on sukkot Harvest Festival, that room would be open."

(From a JHASW oral history interview with Phulip Kaye, 29 November 2018.)

Cathedral Road Synagogue opened in 1897.

These photographs are part of a collection taken by Alan Schwartz prior to the closure of the synagogue in 1989. They are reproduced with the permission of his brother Anthony Schwartz.

Depository: Glamorgan Archives.

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