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Image of the gates of the Old Jewish Cemetery on Highfields Road near Roath Park in Cardiff taken by Molly Caenwyn. This image was originally taken to be included in a travelling exhibition created by the Jewish History Association of South Wales.
The gates of the cemetery can be seen in the image, to the right of the gates is a plaque dedicated to the opening of the cemetery. Above the gates is a star of david carved into the stone and there are two stars on the gates themselves.

"This is the original Orthodox Jewish cemetery, reputedly presented to the Community by the Marquis of Bute in about 1841. First burials 1845. JOWBR (JewishGen Oonline World Burial Registry) includes 1,372 searchable record in respect of this cemetery."

The image was taken on 35mm colour film and accidentally developed in Caffenol, giving the image it's sepia / red tonality. Caffenol is a process of developing black and white film in a mixture of instant coffee granules, soda crystals and vitamin C powder. Caffenol was first known to be used in 1995 by Dr. Scott A. Williams Ph.D., Rochester Institute of Technologie (R.I.T.). The Technical Photography class taught by Williams were tasked to create photographic development chemicals using household items.


"Cardiff Jewish Community"

"Who invented coffee based development?"

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