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Date: 11 January 1918


An Interesting Rescue at Llangranog.

[group portrait of the ship's crew]

This is a group of Norwegian sailors whose steamer was torpedoed on December 14th. The crew, eighteen in number, took to two boats. One of the boats came to grief on leaving the steamer and its occupants had to get into the other. They decided to make for the Welsh coast as a westerly gale was blowing. At the break of day on 15th December they found themselves close to the rock point called Garreg Pica, near Llangranog and would have found themselves, it being high water, dashed against the rockiest part of the coast. Amid the heavy sea they did not distinguish the narrow cover of Llangranog. But the inhabitants saw and signalled to them. The boat, which had lost its sail, was rowed shorewards[.] The offing is shallow and the boat before landing would run to ground. Brave men went into the water, shoulder high, and managed to steady the boat stern seawards, otherwise the boat would have turned broadside, and the men, who were exhausted, would probably have lost their lives in the breakers. Ropes were put out and the boat and crew were pulled up to the beach. One of the men, Karl Danvig Andersen aged twenty-eight years, had died of exhaustion during the morning. They had been in the boat eighteen hours and had come fifty-five miles from where their stearner sank. The remains of the dead sailor were interred in St. David's Burial Place, after an inquest by Dr. T. J. Jenkins. The people of Llangranog showed the utmost kindness to the crew. All houses were thrown open. Fires were lit in parlours and bedrooms. Everything for comfort and luxury were pooled for the benefit of the rescued men. The total crew numbered eighteen. One was killed in leaving the sinking steamer, one died in the boat, a third was laid up when the photograph was taken by Mr. Squils of Cardigan, to whom we are indebted for leave to publish the photograph.

‘An Interesting Rescue at Llangranog.’ The Cambrian News and Welsh Farmers' Gazette. 11 Jan. 1918. 3.

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