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Sunday 16th June 2019 - appropriately enough, Fathers Day - marked 75 years since the passing of David Davies, founder of Wales' Temple of Peace and Health, InterpolAber, Boys and Girls Clubs of Wales, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / The National Library of Wales, and many other organisations that advanced his vision to build a better world. He died in 1944, just months before his life's works were realised with the end of World War 2, creation of the United Nations and birth of the National Health Service. His legacy enabled generations of young people, volunteers, visionaries and peace builders to shape Wales' role in the world.
Craig Owen draws together a 'mini-biography' of this incredible man, curating research, resources and links from Welsh Centre for International Affairs Wales for Peace #volunteers and #partners over 2014-18. Craig will be delivering the Gregynog Festival '#Visions' #Peace Lecture on 29 June 2019, marking the centenary of the Paris Peace Treaty that ended #WW1.

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