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Date: 25 May 1918



Interesting presentations took place at the Swansea Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday at noon when Captain G. Legge, master of the Paul Paix, and living at Harbour View, St. Thomas, was the recipient of presentations for services rendered to the recently torpedoed hospital ship Rewa, the patients and crew of which were landed at Swansea. Capt. Legge brought into Swansea 121 passengers and crew (wounded 20), including a lady. Mr. A. W. E. Wynne (president of the Chamber of Commerce) presided, and the attendance included the Mayor (Ald. Ben Jones).

[portrait of G. Legge]

Mr Wynne said Captain Legge was a Swansea boy and first went to sea in Alderman Tutton's barque Ffynone. The British India Steamship Navigation Co., Ltd., had. sent a gold watch for Capt. Legge and £25 to be distributed by him at his discretion to the crew.

The Mayor said though the Paul Paix was subsequently mined she was brought into Swansea by skilful handling. His Worship then made the presentations with all good wishes.

Ald. Tutton said he had never taken apprentices, but his experience was that those who had sailed under him were anxious to continue.

Captain Legge suitably returned thanks and said if he had not done what he had "someone else would have come along and done it."

'"A Swansea Boy".' South Wales Weekly Post. 25 May 1918. 4.

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