
Date: 15 May 1915

THE LAST OF THE LUSITANIA. Graphic Descriptions of Her Fateful Voyage.
As the story of the Lusitania's last tragic minutes on the surface of the seas on which she had so often sailed in triumph, trickles through the enormity of the crime which has been committed by the German submarines at the behest of the Kaiser and his satellites is becoming more and more apparent. Absolutely no warning was given, and a further horrifying allegation is made—up to the time of writing, however, without being confirmed in any way—by one of the survivors. He says: When the lifeboats were being got away several shots were fired at us, and some of the boats were riddled. Some idea of the last scene on board the doomed liner may be gathered from the details given by survivors in the course of interviews given to the Exchange Telegraph Company. It was a clear, calm, sunny afternoon and the passengers, who had just dined and lined the deck to take a view of the summer coast of Cork and the Old Head of Kinsale, all unsuspecting of the danger hidden beneath the shimmering waves, which was soon to bring death and desolation. In a minute hopes were shattered, husbands separated from their wives, mothers from their children.
White Track of Death.
The white track across the blue expanse indicated the speeding of the torpedo on its mission of destruction. There was a terrific crash and the great liner, the pride of two nations, shivered from stem to stern. Another torpedo sped on its way, and again a noise of tremendous force rent the ears of all. Whatever hope the Lusitania had of making the shore after the first torpedo struck her was now dispelled. She listed almost immediately, and soon began to settle down. Within less than half an hour she had gone, and those of her passengers who were fortunate to get into the small boats were drifting about for a considerable time before any ships arrived, the Lusitania having continued until the last to send out wireless messages for help. There was little or no panic among those on the doomed liner, and whatever credit Germany may take to herself for her latest, has given the world another opportunity of admiring how Britons and those from the same stock can go down without flinching.
Women and Children First.
Mr. William Brown, who was crossing from Alaska, said the first thing that made him aware of the disaster was when he heard the report of a loud explosion, and the word went round that the vessel had been struck. She was leaning over and sinking fast. The crew were helping the passengers to get into the lifeboats, and, in accordance with the chivalrous traditions of the sea, women and children were put in first. "As there were a number of people rushing for the boats," he said, it was no use me trying to get into one. A lifebelt was the thing for me," he said, "so I went down to my cabin and got one and slipped down a long rope into the water. A smal bot [sic] on the port side was almost submerged. With the help of some sailors we bailed the boat out and then got as many of the people into it as we could." Dr. MacCreedy, a young Dublin practitioner on his way home from the United States, said the weather was fine and the sea calm at the time of the disaster. Suddenly there was a terrific explosion, followed by another. The ship began to settle immediately and listed over so heavily to starboard that the port boats would not be launched.
The Crew Did Their Duty.
M. Samuel Abramovitz, of 34, Rue Stanne, Paris, who spoke a mixture of J English and French, said:— "At two o'clock the steamer is going seventeen knots, and I went over to the saloon to have my dinner, and I hear a ‘crack’, and I see all those wooden chips go into the air and the ship is gone to starboard. It was almost impossible for me to believe we had been torpedoed, because we had been talking about them, but in two minutes' time those [sic] pirates, seeing this work not finished, he sends a second one. "When we got the second torpedo the ship started to go with her nose in the water and listed to starboard. What followed was a picture nobody could believe with his eyes. "All the crew did their duty. The captain started to calm people, but the time was so small and the Lusitania went to the bottom, and all these women, children and men went down with her—all those people, with their eyes to God and looking at death, were swallowed up by the sea. "I picked up a little child on deck and climbed down one of the ropes into a boat that was lowered. After that I gave the child to another man and picked other children out of the water. We also picked up an old man and an old woman who were saved in the boat." The Frenchman went on to say that the torpedo did its work exactly, "if he had only given us time—a few minutes—everybody could have been saved. Torpedo Sighted. Mr. W. G. Ellison Myers, who was coming from Ontario to England, in order to join the British Navy, having previously been on his Majesty's ship Conway, said that the first torpedo struck the Lusitania just after he came up from dinner, and was standing on the deck with one or two friends. One of his companions, who was looking out to sea, suddenly perceived a white streak close to the surface, and making straight for the vessel. He cried "Look out! There's a torpedo coming," and they all watched its progress until it struck the vessel a few seconds later. The explosion was awful. They all rushed down to the boat-deck, and, as they reached the bottom of the steps, huge quantities of wood and splinters and great columns of water fell on the deck. This was the result of the second torpedo, which struck the Lusitania shortly after the first. Mr. Myers described how he first went and got his lifebelt, and then took hold of a woman who was crazy with excitement and helped her into a lifeboat.
Cut Away a Raft.
About 25 to 30 survivors of the Lusitania arrived at Euston yesterday from Queenstown. There were many anxious friends waiting to meet them, among those present being the American Ambassador. Mr. James Baker, the well-known golfer, who lives at Beckingham, told a graphic story of his experiences. He was in his cabin when the explosion occurred, and immediately rushed on deck. After lending assistance to various women and children, he got into a boat, but before it could be lowered the officials ordered the occupants out, and the boat swung back, knocking a number of people over. He then set to work to cut away a raft, as the water was then invading the upper deck. With a lifebelt on he jumped from the liner and swam clear. It was over an hour later when he was picked up. So far as he could learn, no one on board the Lusitania observed the submarine, but many passengers saw the torpedo approaching. There was no panic on board, but when the liner was struck and commenced to list a fair number of passengers, both men and women, were in a state of nervous collapse. So much so that they simply sat down and waited until the end. Mr. Baker added that one of the most awful sights was the falling of the liner's huge funnels. As the vessel listed more and more they broke off, and their fall must have caused many deaths. Mr. F. J. Milford, a Cornishman, who travelled from Michigan, said the Lusitania appeared to be struck amidships. There was much screaming on the part of the women but the stewards told them to keep quiet, that everything was all right. After this there was no panic, and everyone worked his hardest to get the boats out. There was not much time for this, as the vessel sank in fifteen minutes, but in all nineteen boats were launched.
Fell Thirty Feet.
A young man, who refused to give his name, said he was on deck when the explosion occurred, and in a very short time several of the ship's boats had been launched over the port side of the vessel. He got into the end of the boat as it was being sent out over the side, but before the boat was clear the end got jammed, and the captain gave orders that everybody must come out. When it became evident that the Lusitania was going down he jumped overboard and swam away from the vessel. Almost at the same moment the Lusitania went down. After being in the water several hours he was picked up by one of the Lusitania's boats, which, after saving more of the passengers, transferred them to another vessel, and then went back to the scene of the disaster. Everybody was very quiet, and obeyed orders willingly and rapidly. Mr. J. P. Gray, of Edinburgh, said that he did not remember how he was rescued. He fell 30ft. before he struck the water, and the fall left him unconscious. "When we were leaving New York we gave preference," he said, "to the Lusitania, thinking it was ‘it,’ as the Americans say, but it was not the ‘it’ we thought it was." Those who witnessed the last scenes prior to the disappearance of the liner state that a comparatively small number of the liner's boats were about. She went down head first, her stern remaining for several minutes in the air before disappearing finally.
Funnel Blown into the Air.
Mr. O. F. Gral, of New York, describes in an interview, how he saw the trail of a torpedo as it left the submarine. Mr. Gral says that as the vessel settled down a second explosion occurred, and one of the liner's funnels was blown into the air.
Three Germans Arrested.
After the vessel left New York Detective Pierpont, of Liverpool, arrested three Germans, who were found on board and had escaped the scrutiny of the Cunard officials at New York. At the time the vessel was torpedoed these men were in irons and went down with the vessel.
Swansea Singer
Hopkin, as stated, met his death with true British heroism. One member of the choir says he passed him on the deck just before the boat sank, “standing resigned and very pale, with a small child clinging to him." He leaves a young widow and two little children, one aged four, and the other two. Twenty-six years of age, he was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hopkin, of Fforestfach, and a nephew of Mr. W. James, of Landore, one of the Swansea Guardians. From a boy Hopkin, who was a collier by occupation, showed a penchant for music, and has been a prominent figure in local eisteddfodau. He had a rich and powerful bass voice, and had been out with the Gwent Singers for the whole of their 20 months' tour of the States, which has just concluded. He was very much taken up with life in America, and had expressed his intention to take his wife and children back with him after this voyage. He comes of a musical stock, and was much respected by many friends for his good qualities. The relatives have not yet received news that the body has been recovered.
MR. D. A. THOMAS. Startling Allegations Against Crew.
Mr. D. A. Thomas, in the course of an interview given at Queenstown, made some remarkable allegations. He said that while he heard praise given to the crew, he had not been particularly impressed by their conduct. "We were told there was no danger and that we should be well looked after, but the crew looked after themselves. There was no question of bravery, of organisation, or of discipline. There was absolute panic, and they crowded into the boats. There were shouts of ‘Women and children first,’ but there should have been a few revolvers to enforce the order. The portholes were never shut, and no attempt was made to shut them. "The collapsible boats were fastened to the ship, and so far as I could see most of them remained fastened. Some were cut loose, but when they were opened they were found to be full of holes. The boat into which I got contained about 60 people, and it began to leak soon after it was lowered into the water. We baled it out, and afterwards seemed all right. Fortunately, it was absolutely calm." Asked about his own experiences, Mr. Thomas said that he had just finished luncheon, and, with his daughter, was leaving the dining-room when the torpedo—he only heard one—struck the ship. They did not take very much notice of it at the time, but thought they would go on deck and see what was happening. Even on deck they did not realise at first that they were in real danger. About seven minutes after the explosion he went to his cabin, and found that his lifebelts had gone. He discovered three, however, in a cupboard, and gave two to officials who asked for them, though there seemed to be a complete lack of discipline and a panic among some of them. Some of the crew were very brave, and did everything they could for the passengers. He was on the deck, which was the level on which the dining-room was situated. There was only one woman there, and a boat was about ten feet away. The woman was exclaiming excitedly, "Let me jump," but she did not offer to do so. "I asked," continued Mr. Thomas, "if there would be room for me, as there were no more women about, and they replied that there would be. Still, the woman did not jump, but continued to cry, 'Let me jump, for God's sake.' 'Jump,' I said, for I could feel that the ship was on the point of sinking. I gave her a push forward and she jumped safely into the boat, and, stepping upon the taunt rope, I also jumped into the boat." Even then their troubles were not over, for the boat was still attached by the davit ropes to the ship, which was now plainly on the point of sinking. They managed to cut them just in time, but the ship was rolling over, and it looked as though one of the funnels would swamp them. Either the ship or the boat moved slightly, averting the danger but bringing another with it, for a wire rope now descended towards them, only just missing them. Then the ship went down only 10 or 12 feet away. "They say," Mr. Thomas went on, "that her bow went down first and her stern came up, but my observation was that she rolled gently over and sank. When we saw her sinking we thought we were doomed too, but there seemed to be no suction, and though less than a dozen feet away we felt nothing" Mr. Thomas remarked that he had seen the German warning side by side with the advertisement of the Lusitania in the New York papers, and brought it with him to show his friends in this country. He had thought little of it, for they had been told they would be protected when they reached the danger zone. "Why were we not protected? he asked "Other ships have been, why were not we? Then, also, why were we going so slowly? The Lusitania can do 25 knots, but she had been doing an average of 20 or 20 1/2 knots, which was about four-fifths of her speed. We were told the reason was that some of her boilers were out, but why were they out? She could obtain plenty of good American coal, but by going at a reduced speed she was saving 1,500 tons on the voyage. At the time of the explosion she seemed to be going slowly. Why was it she was going slowly and why were we not protected when the danger was known?" Upon the arrival at Queenstown, Mr. Thomas stated they were hung up for a quarter of an hour because no one had received instructions to allow them to land. It almost seemed as if the authorities were waiting for their landing tickets. There were women on board perishing through the cold, but they had to wait with the rest.
SWANSEA SURVIVORS. Little Helen Smith and Her Deliverance.
Two of the Swansea survivors of the Lusitania disaster, Mrs. Owen and the little six-and-a-half year's old girl, Helen Smith—whose father, mother, and brother are believed to be drowned—returned to Swansea Monday. The home-coming was very distressful. Mrs. Owen, who has lost her two boys, was almost in a state of collapse, and indeed upon her arrival at Manselton, the doctor who visited her gave peremptory commands that she was to be seen by no one until she had recovered from her state of distraction. The two families who left New York on the Lusitania were: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Smith and two children (one a baby of five months). Mrs. Owen and her two boys (ages ten and seven). Mrs. Owen is the sister of Mr. A. F. Smith. Her sister-in-law (Mrs. Smith) who is among the lost, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones, of Cecil-street, Manselton. It will be remembered that little Helen Smith—the daughter of Mr. Alfred P. Smith (whose father was for years master of Mr. Talbot's yacht Lynx) was saved by a brave Canadian journalist, Mr. Cowper, of Toronto. He nestled her within his arm as he swam for safety.
[photograph of Helen Smith] Helen Smith.
Helen, after being landed, was provided with warm clothes and a flower-decked hat, and she was as happy as any six-year-old child ever was in possession of a new doll they had bought to solace her. Her childish trust was moving, even to tears. In her quaint way she said: "Everybody's sorry for me because daddy and mammy have gone, but they'll come back. Mummie's coming on another boat soon." Her stalwart rescuer, Mr. Cowper, took the dear little orphan to England. He was prepared to take her back to California, but Mrs. Owen (a sister of the child's father) then took charge of her. The gratitude of the family to Mr. Cowper is profound. Mrs. A. F. Smith was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, 81, Cecil-street, Manselton, and their grief at her death was soothed by the news that her daughter Helen 6 1/2 years old (who went to Ellwood, Pennslyvania, U.S.A., with her parents when less than a year old), had been saved. Mrs. Owen, of Gore-terrace, Swansea, a sister of Mr. Smith, wired on Sunday and again this morning that she was returning with Helen, and the family paid several fruitless visits to the railway stations the first about four o'clock this morning. Had these telegrams not been received they would have known that Helen was alive, for they recognised her, in the London Press photographs, in the arms of her rescuer, Mr. Ernest Cowper, the Toronto journalist. Mrs. Owen and Helen are the only survivors of the party of seven who sailed from New York in the Lusitania. When Mrs. Owen and little Helen Smith stepped on to the Swansea Victoria platform at one o'clock on Monday, here was one of those little scenes that are too deep for words, that make anyone within several yards feel an intruder. To meet them had come Miss Owen and Mrs. Howell (a friend), with Mr. and Miss and Sapper Jones. Mrs. Owen, whose face was evidence of harrowing sorrow and much exposure, cried bitterly, was almost distracted, and, leaning on her friend's shoulders, went wearily to a taxi. How she had been saved from the sea she could not remember. Yes, her boys were gone; they were with her five minutes before. And they had told her that Mrs. Smith and her five-month's-oId baby had been drowned, but that her brother, Mr Smith, was saved. She had seen many dead bodies, but had not found her loved ones. Helen, on the other hand, pretty brightly dressed, flowers in her hat, a doll in each arm, was as bonny as a child ever was. Her grandfather and her auntie sobbed as they saw in her something of their lost one, but Helen was jubilant. Oh! to remain children and treat catastrophe, thus! Father and mother gone? Yes, but a "gentleman" rescued her, and he took her to an hotel and he bought her these clothes. Be photographed? Of course, all smiles; had been taken several times, and had seen herself in the papers. She went in the taxi, too.
Mr. Harry Phillips, of 149, Bryn-road, Swansea, received a telegram from Glasgow on Sunday evening, stating that his sister, Miss Polly Phillips, of Glasgow, a stewardess on the Lusitania was amongst the rescued. He and his family were naturally greatly relieved at the receipt of the good news, which came while they were at church, for they had suffered much anxiety since receiving a message on Saturday that Miss Phillips was on the ill-fated liner. Miss Phillips has been in the service of the Cunard Company for some three or four years. Her sister, Miss Fanny Phillips, who also lives at the home at Glasgow, is also a stewardess for the Cunard Company. She, too, has had the experience of being shipwrecked, for she was on the Anchor Line boat Columbia, which ran aground off the coast of Ireland last June. There was no life lost, however, on that occasion.
MR. CHURCHILL STATEMENT. Admiralty and the Lusitania's Course.
In the House of Commons on Monday Lord Charles Beresford asked the Prime Minister whether he could give the House any further details in regard j to the loss of the Lusitania, and whether there was a patrol in the locality where the vessel sank, and if not, whether the coasts were now adequately patrolled. Mr. Macmaster asked what provision was made to safeguard the Lusitania on her last crossing in view of the threats which had been made to attack her. Mr. Houston asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he was aware that previous to Friday last German submarines had for some time past been actively at work off the South Coast of Ireland, in St. George's Channel, and in the Irish Sea, and that on Thursday two large Liverpool liners, the Candidate and the Centurion, outward bound, were torpedoed and sunk in these waters, and whether he could state what arrangements were made by the Admiralty to protect or convoy the Lusitania to Liverpool. Mr. Churchill, replying to a series of questions concerning the Lusitania, said it would be premature to discuss these matters in view of the inquiry which would be opened without delay. Under no circumstances would it be possible to make public the naval dispositions along the coast. The resources of the Admiralty would not enable them to supply an escort for merchant and passenger ships. The Admiralty had a general knowledge that Germany had issued a warning announcement. Acting on that and other information they sent a warning to the Lusitania and direction for her course. It would not be right to go into that matter in view of the inquiry. In spite of the shocking exception of the Lusitania it should not divert the attention of the House and the country from the fact that their entire seaboard trade had been carried on without appreciable loss. Mr Churchill, replying to further questions, said no exception was made in this case to the regular methods by which seaborne commerce were safeguarded. The Prime Minister had handed him a warning letter from Lord Charles Beresford, which had been carefully studied at the Admiralty. So far from the warning being unheeded, a great many of the suggestions had been applied on the largest possible scale. Replying to a question in the House of Commons to-day, Mr. Asquith said there was no object in approaching neutral Governments regarding Germany's breaches of the Hague Convention unless they were prepared to take some action.
THE INQUEST. Captain Turner's Evidence.
The following verdict was returned by a coroner's jury at Kinsale on Monday on some of the victims of the Lusitania:— "That the said deceased died from prolonged immersion and exhaustion, in the sea, eight miles S.S.W of the Old Head of Kinsale, on Friday, May 7th, 1910, owing to the sinking of the R.M.S. Lusitania by torpedoes fired, without warning, from a German submarine. "We find that this appalling crime was contrary to all international law and the conventions of all civilised nations, and we therefore charge the officers of the said submarine and the Emperor and Government of Germany, under whose orders they acted, with the crime of wilful and wholesale murder before the tribunal of the civilised world. "We desire to express our sincere condolence and sympathy with the relatives of the deceased, the Cunard Co., and the United States of America, so many of whose citizens have perished in this murderous attack on an unarmed liner[.] The coroner (Mr. John J. Horgan) resumed the inquest on three male and two female bodies lying in the mortuary, Kinsale, which were brought ashore after the torpedoing of the Lusitania. District-inspector Wansborough was present representing the Crown. The early morning train from Cork and Queenstown brought a number of persons interested, and the old court house was well filled. The coroner occupied the magistrates' seat, and on his left was Captain Turner of the Lusitania. Inspector Wansborough intimated that he intended to call the captain of the ill-fated vessel, but before doing so he desired to add to his deposition something as to the intention to sink the ship. There appeared on the day before the sailing a statement from the German Embassy at Washington giving information that any person travelling in the Lusitania or any other British vessel, whether American or other neutrals, would be in danger of losing their lives. This statement was given by the German Ambassador at Washington, Count Von Bernstorff, and by Captain Boy Ed, Military Attache, and head of the German Secret Services. There was also a big displayed advertisement, purporting to come from the German Embassy, with the same threat. When the date for sailing came telegrams signed with fictitious names were sent to Alfred Vanderbilt and others travelling on the Lusitania, which said that the vessel would certainly be torpedoed before reaching Liverpool. They were believed to have come from the German Embassy. Captain W. S. Turner then took his seat in the witness-chair, and was sworn by the coroner. He said:— We left New York on May 1st. I received no personal warnings beyond what I saw in the newspapers. The voyage was without incident. I was fully aware that threats had been made that the ship would be torpedoed. The Coroner: Was she armed? Witness: No, sir. What precautions did you make in connection with these threats?—I had all the boats swung out and the bulkheads doors closed when we came within the danger zone. We passed the Fastnet about 11 o'clock. Between that time and the torpedoing I saw no sign whatever of any submarines. There was some haze on the Irish coast, and when near the Fastnet I slowed down to 15 knots. I was in wireless communication with the shore all the way across. The Coroner: Did you receive any message with reference to submarines being off the Irish coast?—Yes[.] What was the nature of the message?—I respectfully refer you to the Admiralty for an answer to that question. Did you receive any message as to the sinking of a ship off the Old Head of Kinsale?—No. The Coroner: Did you receive any special instructions as to the voyage?—Yes, sir. Are you at liberty to fell us what they are?—No, sir. Did you carry them out?—Yes, to the best of my ability. Tell us in your own words what happened after passing the Fastnet. Witness: The weather was clear and we were going at a speed of 18 knots. I was on the port side, and I heard the second officer, Hefford, call out, "Here's a torpedo." I ran over to the other side and saw clearly the wake of the torpedo. Smoke and steam came up between the last funnels. There was a slight shock immediately after the first explosion. There was another report, but that might possibly have been internal. I at once gave the order to lower the boats down to the rails, and I directed that the women and children should be got into them. I also gave orders to stop the ship, but we could not stop it. We found the engines were out of commission. It was not safe to lower the boats until the speed was off. The vessel did not stop. As a matter of fact there was a perceptible headway on her up to the time she went down. The moment she was struck she listed to starboard. I stood on the bridge as she sank, and the Lusitania went down under me. She floated about eighteen minutes after the torpedo struck her. My watch stopped at 1.36. Witness continued: I was picked up from the wreckage, and was afterwards brought aboard a trawler. No warship was convoying us. I saw no warship. None was reported to me as having been seen. At the time, I was picked up I noticed bodies floating on the surface, but no living persons. Eighteen knots (he proceeded) was not the normal speed of the Lusitania. At ordinary peace times she could make 25 knots, but in war time her speed was reduced to 21 knots. My reason for going 18 knots was that I wanted to arrive at Liverpool Bar without stopping, and within two or three hours of high water. The Coroner: Was there a look-out kept for submarines, having regard to the previous warnings?—Yes, wo had double look-outs. Were you going a zig-zag course at the moment, the torpedoing took place?—No, it was bright weather, and the land was clearly visible. Was it possible for a submarine to approach without being seen?—Oh, yes. quite possible. Something has been said as to the impossibility of launching the boats on the port side.—That was owing to the listing of the ship. How many boats were launched safely? —I cannot say. Were any launched safely?—Yes, and one or two on the port side. too. Were your orders promptly carried out?-Yes. Was there any panic aboard?—No. There was no panic at all, and it was almost calm. How many persons were on board?—There were 1,500 passengers and about 600 crew. The Foreman: In the face of the warnings at New York that the Lusitania would be torpedoed, did you make any application to the Admiralty for an escort?—Witness: No, I left that to them. It is their business, not mine. I simply had to carry out my orders to go, and (added the captain with marked emphasis) I would do it again. The Coroner: I am very glad to hear you say so, captain. A Juryman: Did you get a wireless to steer the vessel in a northerly direction?—Witness: No. Was the course of the vessel altered after the torpedo struck her?—I headed straight for the land, but it was useless. Previous to this the water-tight bulkheads were closed. I suppose the explosion forced them open. I do not know the exact extent to which the Lusitania was damaged.The Coroner: There must have been furious damage done to the water-tight bulkheads?—There certainly was without doubt. Were the passengers supplied with lifebelts?—Yes. Were any special orders given that morning that lifebelts should be put on?—No. Was any warning given you before you were torpedoed?—N one whatever. It was suddenly done and finished and over[.] If there had been a patrol boat about might it have been of assistance?—It might, but it is one of those things one never knows. The submarine would have probably torpedoed both of us. The Coroner: We all sympathise with you very much in the terrible crime that has been committed, and we also express our appreciation to the high courage you have shown. You have proved yourself worthy of the traditions of the service to which you belong. We are very much obliged to you for coming here to-day at considerable inconvenience to give evidence. (Murmurs of approval.) The captain then retired from the witness chair. Robert Chisholm, a second steward, was next examined, and deposed that he was on the B deck when the Lusitania was torpedoed. He saw the wake of the torpedo as it approached, but he saw no sign of a periscope. He heard a second explosion following the first. The ship was struck amidships. Stewards and stewardesses gave instant instructions to the passengers to get on their lifebelts. Witness dropped into a lifeboat in which there were 45 persons, 36 of these being passengers, and others on board included sailors and stewardesses. The boat in which witness was drifted about till six o'clock in the evening and was then picked up. He took on board four persons before being finally rescued. With regard to threats against the ship witness saw nothing but what appeared in the New York papers the day before sailing. It was stated in the news columns that Germany would not take the responsibility for any passengers carried in the ships of Great Britain and their allies, but the announcement followed that a newsagent had made this communication and that it was not officially verified. He never heard passengers talking about threats, and had no statement to give from any one of them. By the jury: Warning was given to the lower decks after the ship had been struck. All the passengers must have heard the explosion. Recalled, Captain Turner informed the jury that he received no report from the look-out before the torpedo was discharged. Michael Doyle, a third-class passenger, deposed that he was talking to the master-at-arms as the torpedo approached. That officer remarked, “As sure as hell we shall get it” (meaning the Lusitania). Witness fell from the rigging into the sea, and swam about for two hours before being picked up. By request, Captain Turner again came back to the witness chair to speak as to what he knew of the threatening notice.[...]
'The Last of the Lusitania.' The Herald of Wales. 15 May 1915. 10.

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