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Date: 9 August 1915



At a special Aberavon Borough Police Court on Saturday, Paul Phillip Bistow, a coloured man, was charged with failing to join his vessel after negotiating an advance not for £7 6s. 4d.

Capt. Andre Fluest, master of a French sailing ship said he engaged defendant as cook. Defendant was ordered to join the ship on Monday last. Owing to his non-appearance the ship was unable to proceed to sea on Wednesday.

P.S. Jones gave evidence of receiving defendant in custody from the Britonferry police. When charged, defendant said: "I was afraid to go away with the ship, as four of the company's ships have been torpedoed off the Scillies."

Defendant, who now expressed his regret, was sentenced to 21 days' hard labour.

'Afraid of Being Torpedoed.' The Cambria Daily Leader. 9 Aug. 1915. 6.

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