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Date: 3 April 1915



The British steamer Delmira, which was sunk by a German submarine on Thursday in the English Channel, was bound to Port Talbot for coal, and carried a crew of 32, only eight of whom were Englishmen, the rest being Chinese. The submarine was sighted astern at 7.30 a.m. between the Isle of Wight and Portland. Three revolver shots were fired by the Germans as a signal to the steamer to heave to, but the Delmira's skipper put on full speed, and the crew declare that the vessel would have escaped but for the Chinese stokers, not one of whom would remain below. The submarine consequently overhauled the steamer, and ordered the crew to get into the boats, promising to take them in tow. The German officers offered the crew wine, which they declined.

After torpedoing the Delmira the submarine towed the boats for an hour and a half, casting them off on sighting a ship. The crew were eventually brought to Portsmouth.

'Crew Declined Wine.' South Wales Weekly Post. 3 Apr. 1915. 2.

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