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Date: 10 August 1916




Some remarkably clever cartoons of the war have been drawn by a very young local artist, Mr Trevor Davies, of Lion Street, Brecon. One of these received hearty commendation from Mr Pratt, a Scotch Member of Parliament, who visited a Monmouthshire town recently to speak on behalf of the Minister of Munitions. This cartoon, which we produce, represents a German sailor with a cap marked "Democracy." He is in a boat inscribed "Germany," and has just thrown overboard a man with the unmistakeable face and figure of the Kaiser, but the drowning man is marked "Hohenzollern Dynasty," showing the whole family are to be got rid of. The angry sailor is pointing his finger at the man in the water and denouncing him with the words—"This storm is all through you. Get out!" As the frightened Kaiser splashes in the water he still tries to shake his "iron fist." The boat is now heading towards a harbour marked "Peace Congress," where John Bull, staunch as ever, stands chuckling at the scene and saying "Now, we may talk over matters." The cartoon is not only amusing, but the picture has pathos and may prove prophetic. The young artist has cleverly depicted "The European Jonah" and his probable fate.

'Brecon Boy's Clever Cartoon.' 'Radnor Express' Supplement. 10 Aug. 1916. 7.

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