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Date: 30 October 1914


Carmarthen Borough.

SATURDAY, October 24th (Special).—Before the Mayor (Mr. John Lewis), Mr. H. E. Blagdon-Richards, Mr. T. Davies, Mr. P. J. Wheldon, and Mr. J. B. Arthur.


Charles Fischer, a German sailor, was charged with a breach of the Aliens Act.

Head Constable Mayall said: In company with P.S. Phillips I went to the Quay, Carmarthen, at 11 p.m. yesterday. I there found the prisoner Charles Fischer. I charged him with being of German nationality, and leaving Swansea without a permit. He said, "I have a permit." He produced this permit. On examination I found it to be a permit allowing him to reside in Swansea. It was not a travelling permit at all.

Jacob Beer, captain of the ketch "Lizzie, of Milford, said: I picked up the defendant at Swansea on the 2nd October. He registered as a British subject. He said that he was born in Swansea. He was a very diligent and quiet man—one of the best I ever had.

Head Constable Mayall said that the defendant had only one way to earn his living—going to sea. He had been round Milford and Pembroke Dock which were important prohibited areas.

Defendant said that he was 67 years of age and had lived in this country since he was 15.

The Court decided to hand the defendant over to the military authorities for internment.

Henry Glosner, an Austrian subject, resident at 27, Spilman-street, was also charged with a broach of the Aliens Order.

Head Constable Mayall said: On Monday, the 19th October, the defendant registered in the borough of Carmarthen. He came to my office and asked for a permit to travel to Swansea. I refused to issue it. I gave him a permit to travel as far as Kidwelly and Pontyberem. That is produced. The permit covered a period of four days conditionally on his reporting to the police every 24 hours. He came back on the 23rd. I saw him on the 24th when he admitted that he had been to Swansea. I then charged him with travelling to Swansea without having the necessary permit, such town being more than five miles distance from his residence. He was searched and 5s. was found on him.

Crow-examined by Mr. Wallis Jones—I have given him a permit to go to Swansea before. I could not give a permit as Swansea is a prohibited area, and a permit in such case cannot be issued without the sanction of the Registration Officer of the prohibited area.

Mr. Wallis Jones in his speech for the defence said that the defendant was a native of Austrian Poland—his parents being Jews. He was an "Austrian" in a legal sense only. He had lived in Carmarthen for 15 years, had married a Carmarthen woman and had two children. He was a communicant of St. Peter's Church. He was a travelling draper, and had occasionally to go to Swansea to meet a commercial traveller from whom he bought materials.

Defendant in his evidence said that he was 39 years of age. He left his home when he was 15 years of age. He had not come up for his military training in Austria. As a result he was liable to be shot if he returned. Before his marriage he went to see his parents, and had to make his escape in disguise to avoid arrest.

Tho Mayor said that as defendant was of military age and an Austrian subject, there was no option on the part of the Bench but to hand him over to the military authorities to be interned.

'Carmarthen Borough.' The Carmarthen Journal and South Wales Weekly Advertiser. 30 Oct. 1914. 6.

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