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A wooden board in a field, Brynturnol, outside Machynlleth that combines an anti-rewilding message and stickers with Meic Stephens's (1938-2018) 'Cofiwch Dryweryn' slogan, design and colour scheme of white script on a dark red background:
Dweud 'NA' i Ailwylltio
Say 'NO' to Rewilding
From a historical perspective, this board is noteworthy for being located in a wider rural area that had been affected by compulsory purchase orders of farmland for the Forestry Commission between the World Wars for subsequent conversion into non-native mono-culture conifer plantations. Especially for upland livestock farmers in this comparatively strong Welsh-speaking area, current rewilding campaigns are a reminder of these recent losses of farmland through compulsory purchase, which subsequently establishes a link with the clearance of the predominantly Welsh-speaking Tryweryn Valley.
This board was installed in August 2019.
On 12 September 2019, this board featured in BBC online articles (Welsh:; English: about local protests against the mid-Wales based rewilding project 'O'r Mynydd i'r Mor / Summit to Sea' project as well as on BBC 1 Wales newsprogrammes.

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