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Date: 19 August 1915.

THE WAR ON SHIPPING. Another Wilson Liner Sunk.

The “Hull Daily Mail" says: The Wilson Line has received a message that the Wilson liner Grodno has been sunk whilst on her voyage, and that the Calypso, of the same line, has on board Capt. Young and the crew of 24. There were no passengers.
Lloyd’s report to-day that the British steamer Thornfield been sunk. Crew saved.
The Wilson liner Grodno was of 1,955 gross tons and the Thornfield, which was owned by the Zillah Shipping and Carrying Co., of Warrington, of 188 tons.

Source: "THE WAR ON SHIPPING. Another Wilson Liner Sunk." Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail. 19 August 1915. 4.

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