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Date: 17 February 1917.


More Vessels Sunk.

Lloyd’s Agency reports the following:- The British steamer Hopemoor and the British steamer Aikon have been sunk.

The British steamer Kynaite has been sunk. The trawler Belvoir Castle was sunk. Part of the crew were saved.

The British sailing vessel Percy Roy has been sunk. The trawler Mary Bell was sunk by a German submarine on Wednesday evening. Eight of the crew have been landed. The master was taken prisoner.

The steamer Greenland was sunk by a German submarine on Wednesday evening. The crew were landed on Thursday morning.

Captain Frederick Sutton and the crew of four of the Lowestoft ketch Zircon were landed at eight o’clock yesterday morning in a terribly exhausted state, after being in an open boat since 10-45 a.m. on Monday last. Their vessel was blown up by a bomb placed on board by the crew of a German submarine. Two of the victims are in hospital.

Messrs T. W. Willis & Co., West Hartlepool, owners of the steamer Longscar, reported sunk, have received news that 13 of the crew have been landed, and a boat containing 10 men is unaccounted for.

Among the survivors of the crew of the London steamer Saxonian, torpedoed and sunk at sea, was a Spaniard, who was a fireman on her. He was badly wounded by shrapnel in both shoulders and placed in hospital on landing. Two operations became necessary, and the patient is now progressing satisfactorily.

Source: "WORK OF THE SUBMARINES. More Vessels Sunk." Belfast News-Letter. 17 February. 1917. 5.

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