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HDA ( a community based organisation in Cardiff) has undertaken a number of projects in an attempt to help people understand the experience, history and contribution of Somali, Yemeni and Black and Minority People in Wales. This Project is funded by Heritage Lottery and seeks to enable people to understand the events of June 1919 in Wales, the Race Riots that occurred in Newport, Barry and Cardiff when white mobs attacked Black people.
It was a shameful part of Wales history but (possibly for that reason) it has not been given much attention in schools or other parts of education, nor has the media properly addressed that month of racist attacks. The centenary was in June 2019 and Wales gave more attention to the past events than most of the UK, the Race Riots occurred across the UK not just in Wales.
Through an examination of the riots, consideration of the global context and the way that might have affected the actions of the post-war British Government, we hope to help people consider that fateful month and hopefully enable schools to use the material we provide on our Youtube site, podcasts and hear on Peoples Collection. This first episode gives the listener a context and the road we hope to travel.

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