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During the war, Captain Williams commanded a ship in the North Atlantic, on what were known as the Russian convoys. During this time , he earned an O.B.E for services in the Atlantic and a Brave Conduct Medal for sinking a German U-boat in the same area. Later, he fell ill and was taken to a U.S Military hospital and from there, transported home on the Queen Mary. He died three years later in May 1948, the direct result of the war.
Captain Williams who lived in Plas Rhiwgreiddyn, Ceinws advised Ken Rowlands to join the Royal Navy. Ken passed the entrance Exams and was all ready to join but his mother refused to sign the consent forms. She already had her husband Tom Rowlands fighting in the Army and did not want to risk loosing both. When Ken was younger, he ran away to Liverpool to try to join the Merchant Navy. He presented himself to the recruitment officer and was asked how old he was, I'm seventeen, replied Ken, which he was not. The Officer then said, come back when you are older.

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