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Printed programme for the League of Nations' Union Annual Commemoration Service at the Memorial Hall on Sunday Evening November 14th 1937 at 8.15. Chairman Councillor Dudley Howe, J.P., Programme includes, National Hymn 'God bless our Native Land', tune: God Save the King. Scripture Reading Rev G. Sorton Davies, B.A., Bethel. Prayer Rev D.Luther Owen, B.A., Penuel. Welsh Hymn 'Wele,r dydd yn gwawrio draw', tune Innocents. Collection. Address Rhys Hopkin Morris Esq. Hymn 'O Valiant Hearts', tune Eventide. The Benediction. In Attendance: The Tabernacle Choir, Conductor Councillor Dan Evans. Accompanist Mr D.J. Thomas. Stewards Members of the British Legion ( Barry Branch ).

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