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'Gwerslyvr Cyntav i ddysgu darllen Cymraeg at wasanaeth ysgolion y Wladva' by R. J. Berwyn (Second edition, 1881) This textbook was the first book to be written in Welsh in Patagonia and it was written specifically for the Settlement's children. It contained vocabulary, lessons, poems, sayings and stories, as well as a list of Welsh children's names. The first edition was published in 1878 and a second edition appeared in 1881. The author, R. J. Berwyn, was a prominent figure in the history of the Welsh Settlement. He was the Settlement's first registrar and editor of its first Welsh newspaper, 'Y Brut' (1868). He held a number of public posts, which included secretary for the Settlement's Council, secretary for the Welsh courts, postmaster and teacher. Unfortunately, Berwyn's personal papers were lost during the floods of 1899.

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