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Kevin Hawke is a keen diver and Living Seas Wales volunteer. This image is taken from his dive log and records a dive near The Behar Wreck, Milford Haven 7th June 1998. During the dive he observed a variety of marine wildlife which he describes in the "Dive Details" section of the log book (transcribed below).
Dive Details: Towed Peter's Boat there and back. Went in as the second wave. Descended the anchor line checked the anchor - rope was lying very flat due to the flow of the tide, difficult to make any progress, clipped the SMB onto Simon as a buddy line. Found a 0.6 Ø tube so followed that and came across a large cylindrical object? and the wreck attempted to go alongside but the current was too strong. Loads of life Nudibranchs Corals Anemones and the Largest Pollok yet - 0.5m! Went to go over the top of the hull and got flung over the back again.

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