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Kevin Hawke is a keen diver and Living Seas Wales volunteer. This image is taken from his dive log and records a dive near Stack Rocks, Little Haven Reef 5th July 1998. During the dive he observed a variety of marine wildlife which he describes in the "Dive Details" section of the log book (transcribed below).
Dive Details: Launched out of Little Haven quite a few breakers so some problems as only three of us + Alan had a problem getting the boat to run. Free ascent onto the rocks below at about 12-13m followed a crevice to the wall/reef. Lots of life about in really terrific viz saw a variety of Nudibranchs, Starfish and a dosing Dogfish which I handed to Simon. On the ascent there was a Jellyfish about 15cm Ø but its tentacles must have been 2.5m long. A wonderful dive really enjoyable - simply the best!

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