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Published from 1985 as 'Campaign Wales' and from 1991 as 'Heddwch', the supporter magazine for CND Cymru - the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has been published roughly quarterly to the present day, and is an invaluable reference and source material on community action Wales-wide in support of global peace and internationalism across 4 decades.
(NB - there are some disparities in numbering of publications, but they become more sequential from 1987 )
Page 1
‘Say Yes to Nuclear Free Britain -Join us on April 25th’
-Call for London protest with information of transport locations.
-Picture: drawn map of assembly area in central London.
Page 2
‘Wheels Around Wales’
-Mentions success of bike ride fundraiser - £5,000 raised.
-Claims Nuclear Free Zone is spreading and meeting success in Wales.
‘Atoms for Peace or the Plutonium Economy’
-Warns of coming rapid spread of PWRs following permission of development for Sizewell ‘B.’
-Calls for members to write to Somerset council protesting planning application for Hinckley Point ‘C.’ – posting addresses given.
Page 3
‘Celebration of Mountbatten Day, Sunday May 10th 1987’
-CND members attempting to get local government to celebrate Mountbatten Day (the anniversary of the anti-nuclear Strasbourg speech).
-Instructions for respectful celebration of day included.
‘South African Nuclearization’
-Announcement and condemnation of a nuclear armed South Africa with considerable aid and instruction from Britain.
-Join CND Cymru – membership form.
Page 4
‘The Way Ahead’ by Rhodri Glyn Thomas
-Announcement that CND Cymru cannot back any political party but must put pressure on all, including Labour.
-Main goal is nuclear disarmament regardless of party affiliation.
‘Diary Dates’ – important upcoming dates. Petition form included.
Page 5
‘General Election Special’
-A guide on politicians and their stance on firm nuclear disarmament policies.
-Instructions for ‘actions by you’ and ‘actions by group’ to spread word for voting for nuclear disarmament.
Page 6
‘Guide to the Constituencies’ – included guide here.
Page 7
‘Push for Peace in the Marginals’
-Push for tactical voting where conservative margins are slight.

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