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Published from 1985 as 'Campaign Wales' and from 1991 as 'Heddwch', the supporter magazine for CND Cymru - the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has been published roughly quarterly to the present day, and is an invaluable reference and source material on community action Wales-wide in support of global peace and internationalism across 4 decades.
Page 1
-Celebration plans for CND Cymru’s fifth anniversary. Announcement of ‘Wheels around Wales’ – 600 mile journey around Welsh counties.
-Picture: Nuclear Free Wales Map.
Page 2
-Message to Members – welcome message to new members and support for upcoming ‘Wheels Around Wales.’
Wana Sounds the Sizewell Alert:
-PWR program to be opened in Britain despite resistance.
-Letter to MP template included.
-Join CND Cymru – Sign-up postal slip to cut out.
Page 3
British CND International Committee Visit to the German Democratic Republic:
-British CND’s representative, Olwen Davies visit to East Germany detailed and established links with other international members.
International Year of Peace:
-Tony Simpson attended International Conference of Nuclear Free Zone Authorities in Perugia, Italy.
-Spread message on nuclear free zones establishing around the world.
Page 4
-Picture of three representatives who represented CND Cymru to European conferences.
-Diary Dates: Important dates for members’ diaries.
(NB - there are some disparities in numbering of publications, but they become more sequential from 1987 )

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