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Published from 1985 as 'Campaign Wales' and from 1991 as 'Heddwch', the supporter magazine for CND Cymru - the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has been published roughly quarterly to the present day, and is an invaluable reference and source material on community action Wales-wide in support of global peace and internationalism across 4 decades.
(NB - there are some disparities in numbering of publications, but they become more sequential from 1987)
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‘Mobilise for Peace’
-Thoughts on CND’s stance on Gulf War to be discussed in the annual conference in Aberystwyth on 27th April.
Picture: Cartoon Tank.
-CND to work with Campaign Against the Arms Trade.
‘Magazine Relaunch’
-CND Cymru’s magazine to be relaunched in the summer.
-Welcoming of new South Wales editorial group following end of Radio-Active Time.
‘Kent’s Comments’ by Bruce Kent
-Calls for more support to be granted to Campaign Against the Arms Trade.
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‘Nuclear Polluter’ by Hope Kanaris
-Protests against BNFL Capenhurts arose due to pollution caused by the discharge of waste into the Irish Sea through a river running through civilian and public areas.
‘No Cash for Radar’ by Rosemary Jarman
-US government has shelved plans for St David’s radar base in Dyfed following protests in the US and UK.
-However the British MoD insists project is till ongoing.
‘Stop the Arms Trade’
-Denounces Britain’s role in Middle Eastern arms trade with private companies attending arms fairs.
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‘Why can’t we feed People?’ by Joseph Hanlon
-Article on how aid has fallen sharply in Africa due to the Gulf War despite famine affecting millions.
-Funding cut for nations surrounding conflict area with famine in Africa side-lined by the public and media.
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‘Silent Witness’ by George Crabb.
-George Crabb served in the RAF during the Second World War.
-Relays the horrors of war as a witness and condemns build up for war.
‘BBC Slap Ban on Peace’
-BBC refusal to broadcast a radio talk by Father Owen Hardwicke, peace campaigner.
‘Challenge of Peace’
-Bob Cole’s condemnation of invasion of Kuwait and subsequent military build-up.
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‘We tried to stop Slaughter’ by Bruce Kent
-Political and humanitarian disaster in the Middle East. Condemns Gulf War as has solved nothing.
-Calls for reforming of UN to stop future disasters.
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‘A New Agenda’
-Rhodri Glyn Thomas to stand down as chair after five years of service.
‘Lessons of the Gulf War’
-David Morris MEP to speak on European dimension of Gulf War.
‘South Glamorgan Peace Festival 1991’
-Schoolchildren in South Glamorgan to write poems in English and Welsh with theme of ‘learning to live together.’
Membership Form included.

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