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Published from 1985 as 'Campaign Wales' and from 1991 as 'Heddwch', the supporter magazine for CND Cymru - the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has been published roughly quarterly to the present day, and is an invaluable reference and source material on community action Wales-wide in support of global peace and internationalism across 4 decades.
(NB - there are some disparities in numbering of publications, but they become more sequential from 1987 )
Page 1
‘Oil Sanctions need time to work’
-CND Cymru condemns invasion of Kuwait by Iraqi forces and supports UN economic sanctions. However condemns embargo on food and aid and build-up of UN forces in Gulf.
-Calls for oil sanctions instead of war.
Picture: Côr Cochion joins the London demonstration on September 15th
Page 2
‘The Gulf Crisis’ by John Cox
-Again condemns Iraqi invasion of Kuwait but condemns UN military force involvement.
-Suggests a list of principles CND Cymru should support.
-An oil embargo in the long term would be an effective measure.
Page 3
‘What Hope for a new Treaty?’
-Bruce Kent walks to Geneva for the Review Conference on the nuclear weapons Non Proliferation treaty in August.
Picture: Bruce Kent and Rhodri Glyn Thomas with CND Cymru’s giant Peace Ribbon.
‘When will they ever Learn?’
-Defence cuts due to end of Cold War. Claim that Gulf War incitement an excuse to retain budgets.
-British arms companies profiting off instability in region.
Page 4
‘St David’s Opposed in the USA’ by Peter N. Williams
-Radar construction in Pembrokeshire also condemned in the US through a series of letters sent in.
Picture: Radar Cartoon – St David’s Radar Station.
‘Dublin Conference on a Nuclear Free Irish Sea’ by Rhoda Jones
-Account of meeting with Irish CND representatives for CND Cymru’s AGM in Aberystwyth in April.
Page 5
‘Low Level Flights – High Level Protests’
-Celebrations amongst peace activists following proposals for low level flight training bases in Canada and Turkey were abandoned.
‘Blast at Llanishen Type Factory’ by Rowena Thomas
-News of a toxic blast at a Soviet Union Atomic Plant and warns of dangers of a possible event at the Atomic Weapons Establishment of Llanishen near Cardiff’s city centre.
Picture: Protest graffiti on wall of Atomic Weapons Establishment.
Page 6-7
‘Pick your own Campaign!’
-Assorted ideas for campaigning for CND members.
‘Local Groups Need Funds’ by Douglas Smith
-Asks for contributions for Welshpool CND.
Diary Dates included.

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