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When I was a child I used to go camping with my father and brother to a, in those days, little known about campsite on a farm near Rhoslefain. The camping field is on a low cliff adjacent to the sea. We would pitch the tent looking out to sea.
On this particular holiday I was about 13 or 14, so it would have been the summer of 1973/4.
One still, sunny morning when I woke up I looked out to sea and in the distance I could see a group of humps sticking out of the water and motionless. They were quite far, out but there were about 10 of them. Whatever they were, they were pretty big and must have been sleeping I presume. There were no obvious fins visible, but they were a long way off so difficult to be sure about this.

I’ve since investigated what they might have been and my best understanding of what i saw was of Sperm whales, given the distance out, the impression we had of the size and colour, the “logging” behaviour and there being no obvious fins.
By Anna Griffiths

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