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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.
Page 1. Cover: "JOY RIDERS IN THE SKY" - RAF War Planes practising low flying exercises Wales-wide, despite Cold War having ended and Gulf War requiring sorties from great heights. CND Cymru have launched new campaign.
Page 2.
- "A Manifesto for the Earth" - contribution to public awareness in preparation for the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992; CND calling for commitments to disarmament, development and environment.
- "Labour Ban Nukes" - Book Review of "Nuclear Free: the New Zealand Way" by ex-Prime Minister of NZ, David Lange (Penguin - review by Judith Anderson).
"Croeso" - Heddwch is CND Cymru's new magazine.
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- "The Road to Greenham, 1981" by Thalia Campbell. An account of the 125 mile march from Wales to Greenham Common USA Air Force Base in Berkshire, and subsequent Women's Peace Camp including the Dec 1982 'Embrace the Base' by 30,000 women.
Page 4
- "YOUTH"column by CND Welsh Youth campaigner Joe Castle
- "Ideas into Action" - CND Cymru strategy and future direction after the campaigns leading to end of the Gulf War - with
- "Petition to the Secretary of State for Wales" - tear off slip.
Page 5
- "A Real Security Policy for Europe" - article by David Morris, new CND Cymru Chair
- "GULF" poem by Dot Clancy about the Gulf War, Jan 22 1991
- "Famine Myths" by David Richards, Save the Children Wales - highlighting that whilst the world's media and people have been preoccupied with the Gulf War, only a fraction of aid promised to Africa, has actually been delivered to Ethiopia, Sudan, Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Somalia and Liberia.
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- "Defending Wales" by Jill Evans, Plaid Cymru, highlighting the close involvement of CND members in shaping Plaid policy, and action in government opposition.
- "What Price Public Safety?" by Hugh Richards, Welsh Anti-Nuclear Alliance, spotlighting evidence for radioactivity in Llyn Trawsfynydd Lake in Gwynedd, from the Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Station, and campaigns against Magnox / Nuclear Electric to publish their safety analyses, and against doubling the life of the power stations from 20-40 years without public support.
- Peace Shop, Cardiff advert
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- "End Arms Trade" by Ann Feltham, Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) with cartoon titled 'The New World Order' showing bombs raining into an empty food bowl. Article about forthcoming CAAT campaigns.
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- Photo by Chris Gregory of the Greenham Common 1982 women's peace chain "Embrace the Base"
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- "Greetings from Welsh Labour Members of the European Parliament" to the CND Cymru Magazine "Heddwch": we welcome this new voice for peace (full page advert)

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