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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.
Page 1. COVER
- “ONE STEP FORWARD” article by Bob Cole on the Summit agreement between the US and Russia to cut their strategic nuclear weapon arsenals.
- “Hot air” article by Rob Stallard on Operation Highland Cardinal, a low-flying military exercise carried out over Mid and West Wales.
Page 2.
- “Dangerous illusion” report by Denis Martin on the decline of CND Cymru and its necessity as the US becomes the dominant superpower.
Page 3.
- “GOODBYE TO ALL THAT” piece by Paul Newton MP for Newport on the inspiration, hard work and sacrifices made by the peace movement in Caerwent.
- “WASTE AND DANGER” article on the dangers of Trident development towards local communities to radioactive waste and risks of serious accidents elsewhere in the UK.
- “SELLING FOR PEACE” advert on behalf of “Heddwch”.
Page 4.
- “WHAT PEACE?” column on post-Cold War conflicts.
- “BOMB DESIGNER AGAINST TRIDENT” article on Bob Aldridge’s opposition to the design and testing of nuclear weapons by planning a transatlantic anti-Trident network.
- “Now for the good news: Wales rejects the Tories” article by Bob Cole on the effects of the 1992 general election on the disarmament movement.
Page 5.
- “SUPPORT THE SHOSHONE” piece on two Native American women touring Wales as part of a campaign to gain support for their struggle against nuclear bomb tests in Nevada.
- “Earth Summit ‘bush-whacked’” article by Linda Walker on revealing major gaps between “Northern” and “Southern” countries with weak environmental conventions on global warming and biodiversity.
Page 6.
- “Princess Di in Sub Scandal Shock!” column on Princess Diana’s visit to HMS Vanguard.
- “Disinvent the Dastardly Device” piece by David Morris MEP, Chair of CND Cymru, on the Yeltsin-Bush deal to cut their nuclear weapon arsenals.
- “The real cost of Trident” piece calculated by both the Government and Greenpeace.
Page 7.
- “Electing for disarmament” piece by Gary Lefley, General Secretary of British CND, on the weak points of the British nuclear establishment and the Government with regards to a “peace dividend”.
- “Brittany Peace Festival” advertisement.
- “On the road” advertisement.
- “Freedom of the Skies” advertisement.
- Book Review of “The Culture of Contentment: J. K. Galbraith” by Judith Anderson (Sinclair Stevenson)
- “Support CND Cymru’s campaign for a peaceful world” advertisement.
Page 8.
- “Listings” - Dates of fairs, conferences, campaigns, tours affiliated to CND Cymru.
- “POINTS OF CONTACT” advert on coordinating campaigns for CND Cymru and keeping in touch with different people.
- “CND Cymru” form for contributions, advertisements and campaigning literature.
- “Peace Shop” advertisement in Cardiff.
- “Paul Donovan Builders” advertisement.
- “PARLA CATALA!” advertisement.

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