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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.
Page 1. COVER
- “Ten years after - Chernobyl never disappears” article by Linda Walker of Greater Manchester CND.
- “Chernobyl Children’s Project in South Wales” information piece and appeal.
Page 2.
- “Love from Wales to the Children of Chernobyl” article on CND Cyrmu’s contribution and support to the victims of the disaster. Includes pictures of schoolchildren around the Gomel Region.
Page 3.
- Continuation of “Love from Wales to the Children of Chernobyl” article and appeal to the public.
- “Chernobyl: The slow and terrible motion of a nuclear disaster” information piece on the 1986 accident.
Page 4.
- Continuation of “Chernobyl: The slow and terrible motion of a nuclear disaster” information piece, highlighting its effects of radioactive contamination, the casualties involved and the disaster’s effects in Britain.
Page 5.
- “April 26th 1996 - tell them about the trouble with Chernobyl” column for appeal for action on the tenth anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.
- “Nuclear Free Pacific?” short piece on the British government declaration of recognising ‘Nuclear Weapon Free Zones’ after the NPT conference.
- “The World Court Project” article on the advisory judgement of the UN’s International Court of Justice on the situations in which nuclear weapons could be used.
Page 6.
- “French nuclear tests” article of CND Cymru condemning the French and British governments for untold damage to the environment and global stability of nuclear weapons testing.
- “Comprehensive Test Ban?” piece on negotiations of a treaty that could lead to nuclear disarmament by nuclear states.
- “Getting the message to Chirac” update on protests of nuclear explosions in the South Pacific by the French.
- “International Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons” short piece.
- “BNFL Capenhurst “ short piece on enriched uranium orders for use in Trident submarines.
- “MOX in the sky” short piece on highly radioactive materials in aircraft accidents.
Page 7.
- “A new role for Trident” information piece on the government’s policy to maintain the use of Britain's nuclear weapons with regards to the so-called ‘Third World’.
- “Saturday, June 15: Come to Faslane” advertisement of a demonstration in Scotland by CND Cymru.
Page 8.
- “CONTACTS” within CND Cymru.
- “Chernobyl Children’s Project T-Shirts for Sale” advertisement
- “I want to join the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament” form to join and donate.
- “Hinkley ‘C’” short piece.
- “Public protection for all?” short piece on iodine pills in nuclear power plants.
- “Iodine 131 at Mururoa” short piece on background radiation and contaminated materials.
- “Bringing the Pacific nearer to home” short piece on radioactive waste from a nuclear test on Christmas Island.

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