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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.
Page 1. COVER
- “Walking from Wales to Greenham, 1981” picture.
- “Women acting on instincts and dreams” article, linked to the Peace March to Greenham.
Page 2.
- “Walking from Wales to Greenham 1981” spread on drawing public attention to a US base in Berkshire storing Cruise missiles, where the March passed many towns and cities in Wales with links to the Suffragette movement.
Page 3.
- Continuation of the “Walking from Wales to Greenham 1981” spread, with pictures of the anti-nuclear demonstrations.
Page 4.
- “News round-up” feature of events and issues in the summer and autumn of 1996.
“It’s a fair cop!” piece on arrests made at National Eisteddfod on the 51st anniversary of the Hiroshima bombings.
- “Abolition 2000 launched” piece of an international citizens’ network movement that joins 600 groups worldwide for the ‘definite and unconditional abolition of nuclear weapons’.
- “Wales Nuclear Free Forum” piece.
- “Nuclear flasks in an airspace Over You” short piece on the reduction of safety standards for air transport of radioactive materials.
- “Faslane Peace Camp - on to greater things!” short piece on a successful CND Trash Trident Demonstration.
- “Mordechai Vanunu - the eleventh year” article of the nuclear scientist still in confinement for telling the truth about Israel's plutonium separation plant with a resolution submitted to the European Parliament to call upon Israeli authorities to show clemency.
Page 5.
- Continuation of “Mordechai Vanunu - the eleventh year” article, appealing for help to MEPs.
- “General Election - a chance to air the arguments for scrapping Trident” slogan by CND Cymru to lobby local political candidates to advocate for global nuclear disarmament.
- “Nuclear privatisation and nuclear trains - whistles wide and throttles back” article on the dangers of transporting nuclear fuel over Britain’s rail network.
- “Facing up to the truth about Dounreay” article on the inquiry into the safety record of the Nuclear Research Establishment in Scotland and its lack of attention in the European Parliament.
- “US nuclear weapons - gone or only hiding?” article on the transport and storage of nuclear weapons.
Page 6.
- Continuation of “US nuclear weapons - gone or only hiding?” article.
- “Irish Citizens seek injunction to close THORP” article on the dangers to Irish lives of radioactive waste being disposed of.
- “CND Cymru Campaigner nominated as Woman of Europe” article on Jill Stallard, National Secretary of CND Cymru.
- “Peace Shop” Cardiff advertisement.
- “We need your signatures!” statements for two initiatives: ‘Citizen’s Pledge - World Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons’ and ‘World Court Project - declaration of public concern’.
- “All at Sea” column by Auchencairn News.
Page 7.
- “New survey at Greenham” piece on a 1957 nuclear accident and a Government inquiry into local cancer clusters.
- “The Human Cost” report on high numbers of schoolchildren dying from rare brain tumours near the ‘hotspot’ of Greenham Common base.
- “Seeds of hope - disarming Hawks” article by Stephen Hancock on the acquittal of the Ploughshares women for attacking a Hawk aircraft base.
- “1997 Picasso Calendar Poster”.
Page 8.
- “Window of opportunity - from a test ban to a nuclear-free world” information piece by a Parliamentary Worker for CND on the CTBT being put into force as 158 UN member states signed the treaty, with hurdles and obstacles to disarmament, while also explaining the role of the Canberra Commission and the International Court of Justice as a ‘tool’ for disarmament.
Page 9.
- Continuation of “Window of opportunity - from a test ban to a nuclear-free world” information piece.
- “Say No to Peace” poem by Brian Wren.
- “A Euro Bomb” article by Rod Stallard on the Western European Union (WEU)’s defence policy of developing a Nuclear Deterrent policy which could compromise the maintained international neutrality with the enforcement of the Maastricht Treaty.
Page 10.
- “Confidence in a nuclear future” piece on the re-organisation of the nuclear industry in Britain.
- “Houseman’s Peace DIary & World Peace Directory 1997” advertisement.
- “The radioactivity in the Irish Sea - a danger to the people of Wales” article on the discharge of radioactive waste from Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant can risk an accident to people living in Wales, Ireland and much of Britain. Agenda 21 is advocated so local authorities can consult local populations to achieve a safe sustainable environment.
Page 11.
- “Essential to Britain’s war machine: Aldermaston and Burghfield Atomic Weapons Establishments” information piece on the role and dangers of Trident, the history of AWE Aldermaston and why one should join the Peace Camp.
Page 12.
- “Bryn Elltyd” advertisement.
- “CONTACTS” for CND Cymru.
- “I want to join the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament” form to join and donate.
- “Peace Shop” Cardiff advert.
- “Diary Dates” of events and Peace Camps.

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