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Photographed by John Thomas.

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Comments (2)

Stephen Evans's profile picture
This is my great grandfather, Morris Evans, born in Llandissilio in 1834. His second wife was Mary Williams from Llysyfran, my great grandmother. Morris farmed Portisbach, between Llandissilio and Efailwen, which he took over his grandfather (also Morris Evans, born 1784) died in 1866.
Hughinflorida's profile picture
Hello, I am trying to find some information on my maternal grandmother Irene Margaretta Evans who was born at Portisbach in 1911. Her father was Silvanus Hall Evans who was also born at Portisbach around 1873. Irene tragically died when she was quite young in 1941. Her brother, Morris Henry Evans, died in 1944 in Holland and is remembered on the war memorial in Llandisilio. If you have any information on where Irene might be buried I would be ever so grateful. I visited Llandisilio this last summer but could not find her in any of the churchyards there nor in Haverfordfordwest where the family later moved. I suspect we are very distant cousins! Thanks so very much! Hugh Davies . You can email me at [email protected]

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