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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.
Page 1. COVER
- “Faslane 365 off to a good start!” article.
- “Why not join in? Advertisement to join the Faslane 365.
- “Now More than Ever” article on CND Cymru and the UN Security Council condemning North Korea’s test of a nuclear weapon for the first time.
Page 2.
- “Join the Big Trident Debate” information piece by CND. Includes a petition to be signed and an information box explaining the Trident system.
- “Another Franny for peace” article on Joan Meredith campaigning against nuclear weapons and most famous for protesting against refuelling of US military planes at Prestwick Airport during the bombing of Lebanon.
- “Churches speak out against new nuclear weapons” article.
Page 3.
- “Aldermaston women explode AWE jobs myth” article.
- “What is Aldermaston?” information piece.
- “Women’s peace camp” advertisement and invitation.
- “A first but not the last protest” short piece on Faslane 365.
- “Peace Mala awards 2006” article.
Page 4.
- “The Greenpeace ‘Nuke Pub Quiz”. Answers found at the bottom.
- “Heddwch Action” appeal on North Korea’s “entry” into the nuclear club.
- “Anti-nuclear campaigners lock-on at USAF Lakenheath” article.
Page 5.
- “MEPs call for expulsion of all US nuclear arms” appeal of the ‘Written Declaration’.
- “Youth of Europe Unite!” reflective piece by Emily Freeman on 40 young people from 15 European countries coming together in Belgium to learn about and campaigning against nuclear power and nuclear weapons.
- “Impromptu inspection of French new ‘mini-nukes’ site” article on British Peace activists penetrating a French nuclear installation involved in the development of a new generation of nuclear weapons.
Page 6.
- Book Review of Ann Pettit’s “Walking to Greenham” [Honno], reviewed by John Cox.
- “Still walking for Greenham 1981-2006” reflective piece on a Walk to Greenham Common from Cardiff.
- “Greenham Peace Garden” information piece.
Page 7.
- “North Wales leukaemia cluster” article on errors in detecting high rates of childhood leukaemia made by Government radiation advisers and a Welsh cancer authority.
- “Venturing into Belarus” account of a visit conducted by Maryna Svirkaya and Stephen Howard.
- “Chernobyl - the worlds worst nuclear accident” article.
- “Chernobyl Children’s Project” appeal.
- “Oppose the Westminster Government Proposal that ‘nuclear has to play a role in the future UK generating mix’!” lobbying campaign.
Page 8.
- “MEMBERSHIP ALERT” advertisement.
- “CND Cymru Annual Meeting 2006” advertisement.
- “Diary Dates” events by sympathetic organisations working for peace and environmental and human justice in Wales.
- “Join the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament” advertisement to join and donate.
- “Heddwch” column briefly introducing CND Cymru.
- “CONTACTS” for CND Cymru.
- “Penfriend in England?” advertisement.

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