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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.
Page 1.
- “Walking Towards the Light” article on the scale of Parliamentary rebellion against the Trident replacement.
- “Nuclear Free Future” opinion piece by Jill Evans on how the nuclear weapons issue has received very little attention in the National Assembly of Wales.
Page 2.
- “Why I am Opposed to Trident” opinion piece by Jane Davidson AM.
- “Why can’t Rhodri be more like Ken?” article on the similar outlooks between Rhodri Morgan and Ken Livingstone on a whale range of domestic and international issues.
- “No Trident Replacement” information piece on the Parliamentary vote opposing a replacement for the nuclear programme, reflective of a majority public opinion and a sea change in British attitude towards nuclear weapons.
- “Trident ‘destruction improvements’ underway” article on secret upgrades to Trident.
Page 3.
- “Rebellious Scots?” article on the victory of the Scottish National Party in the Scottish elections, causing a positive impact for nuclear disarmament nationwide.
- “The world’s longest seesaw ride?” article on the campaign against the construction of a new nuclear power station on Ynys Môn with the recent success of the Greenpeace court action against the environment.
- “St Athan Military Academy and the Future of Wales” article and its dangers to a Nuclear Free Wales.
Page 4.
- “International Youth Action Academy” advertisement of a visit to the Faslane Peace Camp by young people from across Europe and Japan.
- “The NPT Preparatory Committee 2007” article and appeal for action on the recent Government statement.
- “Mental Colonization” article.
- “Wrexham Peace Women” advertisement.
Page 5.
- “Faslane 365” section filled with pictures, diagrams and key dates of the peaceful blockade.
Page 6.
- “Diary Dates” events by sympathetic organisations working for peace and environmental and human justice in Wales.
- “Join the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament” advertisement to join and donate.
- “Janet Bloomfield” commemoration.
- “Heddwch” column briefly introducing CND Cymru.
- “CONTACTS” for CND Cymru.
- “Useful addresses” of political figures.

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