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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day. It started as ‘Campaign Wales’ from 1985, following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981.
Page 1.
- “Are we nearly there yet?” article by John Cox reflecting on the “Ban the Bomb!” campaign to make Britain nuclear-free with an appeal to spread a petition protesting against the Trident replacement.
- “The power of protest” article on the new Scottish National Party (SNP) government’s vote rejecting the British Government’s plan to replace the Trident nuclear weapons system.
- “We can abolish nuclear weapons” article on the launch of a new International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
- “Nuclear Weapons Convention” information box.
Page 2.
- “The message of Hiroshima” reflective piece on a couple’s visit to the Japanese city in April 2006.
- “Temple of peace news” section.
- “UN Declaration of Human Rights”.
- “Inaugural Henry Richard Memorial Lecture”.
- “Temple Art” advertisement.
- “Epynt Pilgrimage” article on a Christian service gathering at a former Welsh military training base used to test weapons and tanks.
Page 3.
- “Pembrokeshire youth act 4 a better future” article on youth culture and youth peace.
- “St Athan School for Slaughter” article on plans for a new military academy in the Vale of Glamorgan being run by an arms manufacturer. Appeal for action to campaign against the issue.
- “ethicalWARES” advertisement.
Page 4.
- “Welsh arrests at AWE Aldermaston” article.
- “Wear a white poppy for peace” campaign conceived by the Women’s Cooperative Guild to commemorate the sacrifices made by women on Armistice Day.
- “CND welcomes Brown’s priority of global nuclear disarmament” article.
- “Co-ordinator Campaign against St Athan Defence Training Academy” job advertisement.
- “The Peace Shop” Cardiff advertisement.
- “Vanunu to be imprisoned again” article on the Israeli nuclear whistleblower breaking his suspended sentence and an appeal for action.
Page 5.
- “The final quarter” update on the progress and achievements of the Faslane365 blockade.
- “Oldbury - closed for good?” article on a nuclear power plant straddling the Welsh and English border being closed for unknown reasons.
- “50 years of CND” advertisement.
- “Wylfa B: Plaid Cymru respond” article.
Page 6.
- “Diary Dates” events by sympathetic organisations working for peace and environmental and human justice in Wales.
- “Join the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament” advertisement to join and donate.
- “Heddwch” column briefly introducing CND Cymru.
- “CONTACTS” for CND Cymru.
- “Rhondda Records Ltd.” advertisement.

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