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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1991 to the present day.


Page 1:
• So much to celebrate! - Celebrating 50 years of CND.
• The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament - The early days.

Page 2:
• Britain’s nuclear bomb factory - Not independent, not a deterrent, not safe, not wanted
• The Bomb Stops Here! - Join a demonstration at Aldermaston to celebrate the 50th anniversary.
• Transport to Aldermaston from Wales - Contacts.

Page 3:
• Aberporth: Goodbye Democracy - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles over West Wales.
• Campaign update: Stopping St. Athan Military Academy - Political support is growing for opposition towards a proposed new military academy in Wales.

Page 4:
• War Machine Wales - A letter to Heddwch from Tony Simpson.
• Cluster bombs: Students act to prevent indiscriminate killing
• Wanted! Welsh Mayors for Peace
• MANAW - Musicians Against Nuclear Arms Wales is looking for a volunteer to help organise events.

Page 5:
• Besieged and newly born - CND Cymru Chair Jill Evans visited Gaza’s Shifa Hospital.
• Pembrokeshire: Demilitarising Israeli Society - Peace Group meeting addressed by Professor Talila Kosh.
• Wrexham and Bangor: Hands on campaigning - ‘Hands Off Iraqi Oil’ actions in North Wales.
• Peace Week Wales - International Day of Peace events to be held all over Wales.
• Cymdeithas y Cymod: Demilitarising Wales - Annual vigil held in Cardiff.
• Aberystwyth: Speaking out - Protests over the Serious and Organised Crime Police Act.

Page 6:
• Space weapons: Big brother, big bangs - The US tests out its ‘Star Wars’ anti-satellite weapons.
• Nuclear free Scotland: Trident out of Scotland - Group set up to get rid of nuclear weapons in Scotland.
• Vanunu waits - Mordechai Vanunu’s cout hearing has been postponed.

Page 7:
• Reviews: Whose Priorities? - A guide for campaigners on military and social spending.
• Take back your power or take the blame - ‘Not in Our Name, Singing Out About the Wars in Iraq and Afganistan’ CD released.
• Tools for action: The Hidden Human Cost of Trident - Paper.
• Henry Richard, ‘Apostle of Peace’ - a man for our times? - Book review.
• Don’t Replace Trident! - Peace and Disarmament Programme pack available to order.

Page 8:
• Diary Dates
• Doing something - Poem by Genny Bove.
• Join CND Cymru - Postal slip.
• CND Cymru Contacts
• Calling all Conchies! - Help create a database of conscientious objectors.

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