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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1985 (following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981), to the present day.


Page 1:
• Trident in Trouble - New voices, including Nick Clegg, are calling for non-replacement of Trident.
• Scotland Opposes Trident - Alex Salmond plans to stop any deployment of new nuclear weapons in Scotland.

Page 2:
• Wales needs you! - Please come to Aldermaston to help stop new nuclear weapons
• Promoting Peace - Jill Evans has been re-elected as a member of the European Parliament.
• A Start but only a Start - Obama and Medvedev agree to reduce deployed nuclear warheads.

Page 3:
• Yet More Voices against Trident Replacement - Lord Malloch-Brown and MP David Davis have spoken out against Trident Replacement.
• All in favour say ‘Ban Them’ - 54% of Britons want Britain to get rid of its nuclear weapons.
• ‘Beyond the Pale’ but over Wales - Lord Bingham condemns the use of unmanned drones, but research continues in Wales.

Page 4:
• Marking the right to refuse to kill - International Conscientious Objectors’ Day was celebrated at the Temple of Peace.
• Llandrindod Wells Peace Garden - Plaque placed in the Peace Garden.
• Steadfast Circles of Peace - The Peace Mala International Awsawrds for Youth will be held at the Temple of Peace, Cardiff in September.
• 2009 Pilgrimage to Mynydd Epynt - Mynydd Epynt is now home to the third largest military training area in Britain.
• Corporate mercenaries - EDM action now - Ask your MP to sign the Early Day Motion.

Page 5:
• Too hot to sleep - A ‘Peace Bed-In’ was held in May to commemorate John Lennon’s and Yoko Ono’s ‘bed-in for peace’ in 1969.
• More and More Mayors for Peace - Six more Welsh Mayors have joined ‘Mayors for Peace’.
• One Day is not Enough - The International Day of Peace will be held on September 21st.

Page 6:
• St. Athan Defence Training College - Campaign Update.
• Last Colony in Africa - Western Sahara is still occupied by Morroco, to the detriment of the Saharawi people.
• Getting Peace into Schools - NGOs are working to get disarmament and peace studies into schools.
• Education resource pack - Sadako’s Cranes for Peace.

Page 7:
• Nuclear cuckoos in the nest - Some thoughts from People Against Wylfa B.
• Learning from Chernobyl - Many farms in Britain are still restricted in land and sheep management due to the radioactive fallout of Chernobyl.
• Heddychwr Mawr Cymru - A biography of George M. Ll. Davies.
• Wanted! People with dementia involved in campaigning

Page 8:
• Diary dates
• Heddwch and CND Cymru Contacts.

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