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'Heddwch' is the supporter magazine for CND Cymru, the Welsh Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, published roughly quarterly from 1985 (following CND Cymru’s establishment as an independent campaigning network from 1981), to the present day.


Page 1:
• Aldermaston Blockaded - Photograph.

Page 2:
• Heddwch and CND Cymru Contacts
• Vote Trident Out - Vote against nuclear weapons in the upcoming General Election.

Page 3:
• Which Party? You Choose - What the political parties say about Trident.
• ‘Now is the time’ say Church Leaders - Church leaders in Wales are campaigning for a ban on nuclear weapons.

Page 4:
• Wales Blockades Aldermaston - Trident Ploughshares, CND campaigners, and anti-nuclear protesters attend the biggest blockade in years at Aldermaston AWE.
• Blockade reports - Reports from the action at Aldermaston.

Page 5:
• Wales Peace Institute: Success comes in cans - failure come sin can’ts - Exciting campaign for a Peace Institute in Wales.
• Blockade reports continued

Page 6:
• News round up:
• Vanunu - Mordechai Vanunu is currently under house arrest.
• Beware….by road - Nuclear warheads are regularly travelling between England and Scotland.
• …by air - Nuclear materials are flying between Oxfordshire and the USA.
• Deadly traffic in the Irish Sea - Radioactive waste is being shipped from Sellafield to Japan.
• US Missile Defense (NMD) - NMD is a problem in talks between US and Russia.
• Radical Bookseller takes on Amazon - Support Housmans bookshop.

Page 7:
• News round up:
• Trident Network Relaunched - Greenpeace relaunch their campaign network against Trident.
• Keeping US Nuclear Weapons out of Kobe - CND supports the citizens of Kobe.
• Obama Busy at the Bomb Shop - Obama is to increase US nuclear weapons spending.
• Doomsday Clock - The hands of the Doomsday Clock have been moved one minute further away from midnight.
• A Man of Passion and Principle - Mourning the death of Michael Foot.

Page 8:
• Wales & Weapons Development: From Aberporth to Mynydd Epynt
• Palestine Festival - Bangor to Bethlehem - Taking place on the 16th- 18th in Tal y Bont, Bangor.

Page 9:
• From Wales to Palestine: Return Journey to Gaza - with three Swansea aunties - Swansea Action for Palestine sent aid with the Viva Palestine convoy to Gaza.

Page 10:
• Wales & Climate Change: Standing Tall with Tuvalu - Wales must stand with Small Island States like Tuvalu to fight for a sustainable future.
• In St. David’s City Square… - Print by Paul Baker.

Page 11:
• Militarisation of Wales: Public Inquiry: Private Defence College - The inquiry into the military training base at St Athan ended in February.
• CND Cymru by the Sea - All Wales Peace Day on August 14th in Tenby, Pembrokeshire.

Page 12:
• Democratic Deficit: Nuclear Free WAG? - The Welsh Assembly Government maintains their anti-nuclear stance.
• Disclosure draws shortest Straw - Jack Straw refuses to support devolution of the Freedom of Information Act.

Page 13:
• Nuclear Power: Wylfa - PAWB continues lobbying against plans for Wylfa nuclear power station.
• On the Front Doormat - Oldbury and Hinkley Point have been named as proposed sites for new nuclear power stations.

Page 14:
• Diary Dates
• CND Cymru by the Sea- All Wales Peace Day on August 14th in Tenby.
• Yes… you - Thank you to our supporters.
• Please keep us up to date!

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