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A newspaper article from The Cambrian, published on 23/07/1909, describing the capture of a Blue Shark, in the Swansea area.

The clipping reads as follows: "SWANSEA FISHERMAN’S “FIND”. Mr. Isaac Davies, a veteran Swansea fisherman, found a six-foot shark in his nets on the beach, at a point opposite the Swansea Baths on Friday. The creature was very much alive and had considerably damaged Mr. Davies’ nets. The shark was of the “blue” species, and Mr Davies. – who took it to his home at 50, Fleet Street – told a “Post” reporter that he had been fishing 56 years in the bay and had only caught one before. A boating party on Sunday say two large sharks off the Mumbles, ones being “gaffed” in the breaking away."

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