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A newspaper article from The Cambrian, published on 03/08/1906, describing the sighting of a “large fish”, which local knowledge suggests may have been potentially either a species of whale or a shark, around Mumbles.

The clipping reads as follows: "AGAIN SEEN OFF THE MUMBLES PIER. The large fish which has been haunting the waters around the Mumbles for some time p**t, with another of the same species, was seen near the Mumbles Pier on Sunday afternoon, a huge black fin being seen projecting above the water moving towards the Head. It struck an upright of the pier, righted ****, and proceeded, rounding the Mumbles Lighthouse, where the coastguard fired a shot at it. Piermaster Twomey describes it as a blackfish, a species of whale, apparently nine to ten feet long. The keeper of the Mumbles Lighthouse, Mr. J. Williams, is of the opinion that, instead of being a ‘whale’ – the creature alluded to is a ‘two-foot shark,’ which has been, as he terms it, ‘cruising around for some little time past.’"

Please note, * indicates sections of text which are, unfortunately, illegible.

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