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National Eisteddfod of Wales, Caernarfon 1979
Images 1 - 2: Gwyn Griffiths.
Images 3 - 6: No Description
Images 7 - 8: Huw Jones, Sain.
Images 9 - 10: Ieuan Parri, Penrhyndeudraeth, doctor.
Images 11 - 12: Geraint Howells, Ceredigion M.P.
Images 13 - 14: Cledwyn Hughes.
Images 15 - 16: John Elfed Jones, Aliminiwm Mon.
Images 17 - 18: Ken Jones, Normal College, Bangor.
Images 19 - 20: Tilsli. Minister and Archdruid.
Images 21 - 22: Arthur Vaughan Jones, Llanrwst.
Images 23 - 24: R. T. D. Williams, Menai Bridge, Eisteddfod Council Secretary.
Images 25 - 26: No Description
Images 27 - 28: Lynn Jones, BBC
Images 29 - 30: Clwyd - Telynores Dwyryd's husband.
Images 31 - 32: Rhydderch Jones, Playwright.
Images 33 - 35: Gwynfor Evans.
Images 36 - 37: Meirion Evans (?) Crowned Bard.
Image 38: No Description
Images 39 - 40: J. R. Jones Tal-y-bont.
Images 41 - 42: Bedwyr Lewis Jones, Welsh Professor, Bangor.
Image 43 - 44: Gwerfyl Pierce Jones, Welsh Books Council.
Image 45 - 47: Ann Clwyd, European M.P.
Image 48 - 49: Elgan Davies, Welsh Books Council.
Images 50 - 51: Ffred Ffransis.
Images 52 - 53: Wayne Williams.
Images 54 - 55: John Gwilym Jones.
Image 56 - 57: Alun Williams, broadcaster.
Images 58 - 59: Dr. Aled Rhys Williams, Salford.
Images 60 - 61: John Ogwen, actor.
Images 62 - 63: Vaughan Hughes, broadcaster.
Images 64 - 65: Tom Jones, Llanuwchllyn councillor.
Images 66 - 67: Emrys Evans, Midland Bank
Images 68 - 69: Ifan Jones Davies, leading the singers to the Concerts.
Images 70 - 71: Tudwal Roberts, BBC Bangor
Images 72 - 73: Elfyn Pritchard
Images 74 - 75: Arthur Williams, Daily Post (correspondant)
Images 76 - 77: John Lazarus Williams, Llanfair Pwll.
Images 78 - 79: Elwyn Roberts, Plaid Cymru treasurer.
Images 80 - 82: Glyndwr Richards.
Images 83 - 84: Emlyn Hoosen (Lord Hooson), former Maldwyn M.P.
Images 85 - 86: No Description
Images 87: John Roberts, (former) Eisteddfod Organiser.
Images 88 - 91: Robat Gruffydd, Y Lolfa
Images 92 - 93: Alun Davies, Caerdydd and London,Schools Council
Images 94 - 95: Roy Bohana, Cerddoriaeth CCC.
Images 96 - 98: Dai Francis, cyn-arweinydd Undeb Glowyr De Cymru.
Images 99 - 100: ? Alice Williams (Cymdeithas Ddawns Werin)
Imagse 101 - 102: Emrys Bennett Owen.
Images 103 - 104: Aled Eurig.
Images 105 - 106: Dafydd Elis Thomas M.P.
Images 107 - 108: ? Eleri Carog
Images 109 - 110: Lisa Erfyl (nee Rowlands)
Images 111 - 113: Bruce Griffiths, French Lecturer, Bangor.
Images 114 - 115: Derec Llwyd Morgan, W.R. P George, Bryan Martin Davies.
Images 116 - 117: Derec Llwyd Morgan.
Images 118 - 119: W.R.P George and Bryan Martin Davies.
Images 120 - 122: Euryn Ogwen
Images 123 - 125: No Description

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