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An extract from Morris, L., 1748. Plans of Harbours, Bars, Bays and Roads in St. George's Channel. The extract (page 53/4) describes the lost fisheries of Tenby.

The extract reads as follows: “This Town was antiently noted for a Fishery they had on a Bank called Will’s-Mark in Bristol Channel, from which Fishery it took its Name of DINBYCH Y PYSGOD; but upon their growing rich, they forgot the old Marks of their Fishing Bank, and Lost the Fishery; Some Attempts have been made of Late Years to find it, but to no Effect.

As the Fisheries on the Coast of Britain are of great Consequence to the Nation, and deserve to be taken Notice of: For the Sake of such as may think proper to bestow any Thoughts on that Head, when they are either becalmed in this Channel or happen to Sail this Way, I shall insert here a short Account of the Old Fishery, which I found in some Extracts taken out of a Manuscript wrote by one J. Rogers, Mayor of Tenby, about One Hundred and Fifty Years ago.

‘On Wills-Mark (he says) the Fishery was so great, that it was the first making the Town of Tenby: The Bank is a League in Length, and Half a League in Breadth, lying East and West; you have upon it from Twelve to Eighteen Fathom Water, and about it from Thirty to Thirty-two Fathom.

Bring the high Hill of Neath on the Point of Portheninion, and Caldey Chapel, on the Old Windmill of Tenby above the North Lake, and you are on some Part of it.

He mentions also Eastern Collbrine Rock, or Colbrin; a fishing place, lying S.E. from Stackpool Haven.

Towan’s Rock, was a Fishery from Skarbet Fish (i.e. Skate,) lying about two Miles East of the Woolhouse Rock.

Cavernbyrn, a fishing Place; two Leagues off of Caldey.

The Fish taken on Will’s Mark, were Mylwells or Melvells, Ling, Conger, Cod, Hakes and Bream.”

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