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"Back in 2012, I was walking my dog along the clifftop path at Barry Island. Gazing idly at the sea I noticed something odd. What looked like two humped backs with fins rising up from the waves, disappearing beneath the water then emerging again. I stared and blinked. What it looked like was the curved tops of two dolphins - but this was Barry Island, where the only wildlife I expected to see was the seagulls stealing my chips! I was trying to persuade myself that all I was seeing were some dolphin shaped pieces of rubbish bobbing up and down, when an elderly couple asked me what they were. They had been watching them swim close to the shore for some time too. Later on, I found out that harbour porpoises can be spotted occasionally in the Bristol Channel, and realised that that's what I'd seen. Whenever I go to Barry Island now, I scan the sea in the hope of seeing them again. I never have, but it's good to know that there's always a chance, however slim. They could be out there somewhere."

Description of photo: 1) Photo of Barry Island, taken in 2020, in the area where the porpoise were spotted.

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