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A man on horseback, with two other men, a woman and some children, in front of a stone house.

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Comments (3)

Brian Cole's profile picture
Although I speak Welsh quite well and can read a little, unfortunately, I was never taught how to write the language. So, I apologise to any purists who might object to this English intrusion. That said, however, I do feel a certain entitlement to comment of this particular photograph because Plas Belle (note the spelling) belonged to my mother's family for the best part of 200 years and the reason I speak Welsh is that she evacuated me there from my native Liverpool when Mr. Hitler started his firework displays over The Mersey. The man at the front of the photo, by the way, was my great, great, grandfather. His daughter is the lone figure to the left of the photo and her husband (my great grandfather) is near the centre of the scene and is standing next to my grandmother (who is the youngest of his four daughters). I believe the horseman may have been an employee of the family.
Gathering The Jewels's profile picture
Thank you for your comment. Do you own family photographs of the Plas Bell / Bellle that you wish to contribute to the People's Collection? Would you share further personnel memories of your time as an evacuee?
Brian Cole's profile picture
My elder son married an American girl (of Welsh heritage, coincidentally). He now lives in New England; so although they have visited the UK, on occasions, and although I have insisted that they call me Taid, my grandsons don't have any idea of my own background. So, I'm in the process of writing a memoir in order to give them some idea of how things were back in the day (as they say). Insofar as you request for me to share personal memories an an evacuee is concerned, the first chapter deals almost entirely with my time in Wales during WW2. Maybe, that would interest you.

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